Your Guide to the “Hot Girl Walk”

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The internet has the ability to make anything cool, from grandpa sneakers to the girl who wears electrical plugs and keyboards on TikTok. Walking is not something you would expect to make the list, but is once again an internet trend that has proved itself effective. What was formerly known, and even mocked, as “Mom Walking” (fast-paced walking with optional gossip) has now been “yassified” to the “How Girl Walk.” This is the language of commuting for the women of “Sex And The City” — and now State College!

Some prefer to adhere to a set of rules when engaging in their Hot Girl Walk. You can make your own or choose to follow either of the wildly popular methods out there.

A popular workout trend that has swept the internet is 12-3-30. The influencer tip turned Insta story epidemic comes from the YouTube personality Lauren Giraldo formerly known on Vine as “Princesslauren.” This workout entails setting your treadmill to an incline of twelve at a speed of three miles per hour, all while walking for 30 minutes (with an optional story post at completion). This is perfect for anyone on a time crunch who wants to squeeze in a low-intensity workout that will still kick your butt. 

Video posted by Lauren Giraldo on

Another rule book you can follow is an hour-long 4-mile walk in which you only think about 3 things: what you’re grateful for, what your goals are and how you will achieve them. 

In reality, your hot girl walk can be anything you want it to be and is really just your hot self walking. As simple as that sounds there are still many benefits to reap from your daily stroll.

Making walking a part of your routine provides the physical benefits of better endurance, energy and stamina, but what VALLEY wants you to focus on are the mental health benefits that you’ll gain from partaking in a daily Hot Girl Walk.

Walking often can help you sleep better, focus more and can lift your mood. These benefits sound great at face value, but sticking to the simple task of walking can even improve your self-perception and self-esteem according to Walking For Health. These are all vital factors to a healthy physical and mental life while at college. 

The Hot Girl Walk doesn’t need to be a drastic lifestyle change either. It can also just be your mindset during your walks to class or downtown. Feeling good about yourself as you’re making your way to a destination will make whatever is waiting for you that much more enjoyable, whether it’s class or hanging out with friends. To help get you into your stride, VALLEY has some Hot Girl playlists for whatever vibe you’re feeling! Whether you want to feel like you’re strutting through a coming-of-age movie or gain some new insight through a podcast— VALLEY has got you covered!


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