Most people are taught that the best way to keep their body healthy and functioning at its best ability is the stereotypical (but important) practices such as, exercising, getting enough sleep, a clean diet, etc. But if you find yourself hitting a wall emotionally and physically when trying to implement these practices in your daily routine, it’s time to shine light on the overlooked category none of us consider: our hormone health.
Could it be that an imbalance of your hormones is what’s causing a disarray in your well-being?
Hormones affect so many parts of our wellness. They contribute to our mood, sleep, stress and development. Essentially, it’s the driving force behind so many of our bodily functions. Therefore, when a certain hormone level is off, it can disrupt the body not only physically, but mentally. Maintaining a proper balance and “healing your hormones” are important means to becoming the healthiest version of yourself.
Below is VALLEY’s guide on different hormones and ways to keep them balanced:
Cortisol is known as the “stress hormone.” It maintains blood pressure and energy levels. If you find yourself getting stressed easily there’s certainly ways to balance your cortisol levels. Going to bed at the same time each night is one way to level out this hormone. The cycle of cortisol is cyclic, therefore it’s the highest in the morning and continues to go up and down until midnight. A supplement you can take to reduce cortisol is Ashwagandha, which is an ayurvedic herb that helps with stress and anxiety.
Estrogen is a common female hormone. It’s a also known as the “sex hormone” since it’s responsible for the process of puberty and other sexual development. For women, your estrogen levels are the highest during the beginning of your menstrual cycle. Estrogen is important for regular periods and fertility so if you notice an imbalance there are ways to increase estrogen stability. According to Clevland Clinic, signs of low estrogen levels include: fatigue, hot flashes, increased sweating, vaginal dryness, weight gain. Keeping a balanced diet and taking B vitamins, and evening primrose oil are said to help with low estrogen levels.

Testosterone is the major male “sex hormone.” This hormone is vital for sexual activity, reducing disease and producing muscle mass. Lots of lifting as well as eating proteins and carbs are great ways to increase testosterone. According to taking vitamin D and along with a supplement like zinc are said to help increase these levels.
Melatonin is commonly known as the “sleep hormone.” As you age, your body produces less and less melatonin. According to Clevland Clinic, “exposure to daylight affects how much melatonin your body releases.” Therefore, making sure you spend time outdoors and in the sun is vital to balancing your melatonin levels. Obviously, in regards to sleep, an easy fix to help increase melatonin is by taking a melatonin supplement. It’s important to limit phone usage and exposure to blue light before bed since this staggers the production of melatonin.
Progesterone is a female hormone that is essential to a woman’s reproductive system. According to, progesterone is also imperative to maintaining fat tissue, stimulating weight gain and appetite, maintaining optimal central nervous system and kidney function and regulating behavior. Ways you can keep progesterone levels up is by eating healthy fats, nuts, chocolate, chicken and oats. Supplements you can take consist of chasteberry, magnesium and vitamin B6 which all help with steadying progesterone levels.
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