
Halloween Movies for Scaredy-Cats


While many people like Dayna love the spine-tingling terror that comes from watching a good horror flick, others like myself are not so brave of heart. When Halloween rolls around, it’s hard not to feel a little left out. So how do you participate in a scary movie marathon when you are more of a Hallo-wimp?

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Do Something That Scares You

Do Something That Scares You


Ever since I came to Penn State (a mere year and a half ago), I’ve come to be a bit of an adventurer. I moved across the country for college just because I wanted a change of environment. For my 19th birthday, I went skydiving. I’ve given my phone number to an attractive Chris Hemsworth look-a-like on a flight home from Pittsburgh. I’m saving up for a volunteer trip to Taiwan. I desperately want to take acrobat lessons. In November, I wandered New York City by myself for the first time.

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