Upgrade Your Boring Costumes this Halloween

What fun is Halloween if you don’t get your spookiest, most creative juices brewing? Forget about being a sexy pumpkin or an old witch and give the holiday’s most over-done costumes a fang-tastic new style!

Just in time for last minute Halloween costumes, Valley’s got some tricks on how to transform the classics into unique creations that will have all eyes on you.


Suspenders? Glasses? Propeller hat? Been there, done that. If you’re still craving some nerdiness, either give the Britney Spears schoolgirl look a go, or be a classic, nerdy movie character. There’s Napolean Dynamite, Josie Geller from Never Been Kissed, Garth Algar from Wayne’s World, Velma from Scooby-Doo or Sheldon Cooper from The Big Bang Theory.


You could be a cute, half-naked devil, or you could be the Red Devil from Scream Queens. Take your pick. I think we all know the obvious answer here is the Red Devil, though.

red devil

Sexy Cop

Honestly, at this point, we are all over this one. Switch to the villain side this year with a burglar outfit. Throw on a black and white striped shirt, an eye mask and a black beanie, and call it a day! It’s cheaper than buying a cop costume and is an easy, last-minute creation.

Kitty Cat

This go-to costume is simple enough to whip up the night before, but it is also a bit boring. Think about it this way: How many cheetahs, tigers and lions do you see every year? You can add spots, fluffy brown fur or orange and black stripes to your face and body. If you want to get a laugh out of your friends, paint on some Grumpy Cat makeup.


This classic look never gets old, but it can’t hurt to stand out from the crowd, can it? Take a different approach this year and be Lady Gaga’s glamorous portrayal of the The Countess from American Horror Story. You could also step away from dressing up as an actual vampire and be a vampire slayer, aka Buffy from Buffy the Vampire Slayer.


Now that you know how NOT to bore anyone with costumes that we’re sick of seeing, start making your preparations and have a killer Halloween!


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