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In marriage, stereotypes differ all around. Depending on where you come from, family history, or even beliefs, getting married early versus getting married at what is classified as a “late age” has always been categorized into an opinionated stereotype by who and what surrounds you.

In the current generation, it is all about exploring, experiencing and adventuring. We want to follow in the footsteps of what is generalized as “right” versus “wrong” and be on the perfect track for our future.

TV shows & movie characters … the trend.
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In known television shows like “Sex and the City,” “Friends,” “New Girl,” “Gilmore Girls” and more, main characters are portrayed in their late twenties to mid-thirties as single by choice.

Many films portray the stay-at-home wife or the never-not-working husband who got married ”too young.” These stereotypes imply that early marriages become bitter and unhappy and will keep you from attaining your goals.

Being single used to mean that nobody wanted you. Now it means you’re pretty sexy and you’re taking your time deciding how you want your life to be and who you want to spend it with.

Sex and the City, “And Just Like that..”

The consistent trend of having our favorite television show characters portray a life of being single became generally appealing to those watching, creating a different stereotype from one previously created. The stereotype allowed people to realize that marrying young meant no independence and no being “on your own” for a time.

Previous stereotypes
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In earlier generations, getting married young was not only normal but inherently right, aligning with their values and aspirations for a fulfilling life journey. When you find the right person, why should you wait?

 ‘This is true love – you think this happens every day?’ As a single woman of some years, I have to say that I am quite envious of couples who met and married at a young age. 

“The Princess Bride”

It makes you feel secure in the knowledge that there will always be someone there for you. Someone in your corner to help you through life. You’ll never have to face life on your own again. 

“The right time”
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Ultimately, It is impossible to determine the “healthiest” age to get married. The answer is dependent on the maturity of the relationship and each partner’s life goals. There is no correct response to the dreaded question “When is the right time?”

You can live happily ever after getting married so young. Is it easy? No. Is it worth it? ABSOLUTELY!

TeamRealTV OFC on X

Marriage is about partnership, not abandoning your dreams or wasting your potential just to be with your partner. It is 100% possible to get married young and lead the life you want.

What are your thoughts on getting married young? Tweet us @VALLEYmag!


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