Coachella has lost its hype, and VALLEY will be the first to say it. We don’t know about everyone else, but watching influencers go to Coachella this year made us reminisce on Coachella in its prime. AKA the Emma Chamberlain Era of Coachella.
Everyone remembers binge-watching Emma’s iconic Coachella recap vlogs and living vicariously through her. Now there seems to be a new influencer taking over the Coachella content scene, and that is none other than Alix Earle.
There are lots of parallels between Emma’s era of Coachella and the new Alix era we see emerging, but there are also some big differences. Which Coachella era is your favorite?

The Outfits: 2019 v. 2024 Trends
Both Alix and Emma’s Coachella outfits were incredibly on trend for the time, but boy are they different. In 2019 we ate up Emma’s outfits and thought they were so cute, and now we look back and go “Oh! We thought that was cute?” And it was at the time, but just not now. In a few years, we will probably look back at Alix’s 2024 looks and grimace at the thought as well, but that’s just how modern trends work.

The Brand Trips: Dote v. Poppi
In 2019 Emma Chamberlain went to Coachella with the brand Dote, an online shopping app, along with a group of popular influencers like Hannah Meloche and Ellie Thumann. The trip was packed full of young fashion and lifestyle vloggers and influencers with similar audiences. The Dote house was arguably the most discussed brand house at Coachella that year.

This year Alix Earle went to Coachella with the brand Poppi, a prebiotic soda brand, where Poppi put Alix and all of her closest friends up in a house branded as ‘CoachEARLEa’ to advertise their new lemon-lime flavor. This is an avenue that a brand has never taken before in terms of a brand-sponsored content house for Coachella, and the house and brand received tons of publicity as a result.

The Content: Vlog v. TikTok
Emma Chamberlain is known for her vlogs and unique editing style that she popularized upon growing her platform. Her Coachella vlogs were iconic. There is no better way to describe them. They are the perfect time capsule of 2019 Coachella, and the nostalgia returns with every rewatch.

While Alix became popular through her TikTok content, she has since begun her podcast ‘Hot Mess’ which has become very popular in recent months since its release. Alix documented Coachella weekend live through her TikTok content, as well as released a Hot Mess episode titled “The Coachella Tell All” where she recapped the weekend and shared mini vlogs taken throughout the trip.

There is also a maturity difference in the content that Emma was producing during Coachella compared to Alix. Emma’s content did not include any drugs or alcohol, given that the majority of the girls on the trip were under 21. However Alix’s content is geared towards an older audience, Alix herself being 23 years old. Her ‘Hot Mess’ podcast vlog included camera shots of alcohol as well as discussions of alcohol.
What do you think? Do you miss 2019 Coachella or are you liking the new Alix Earle era? Let us know your thoughts @VALLEYmag on X!