Tap on My Window, Knock on My Door, Adam Levine is a Cheating *****

Photo taken from @adamlevine on Instagram

VALLEY knows celebrity cheating scandals are nothing new. But rarely does the drama unfold in front of our eyes. Live. On our TikTok feeds. Adam Levine, the lead singer of “Maroon 5”, has sung some of the most heartfelt love songs of the past decade…and sent some of the cringiest DM’s.

Photo posted by @adamlevine on Instagram

Last week, Instagram model Sumner Stroh took to TikTok and posted a minute-long video where she claims to have had a year-long affair with Adam Levine. You may be asking what provoked her to post this perfectly well-lit and glam-covered confession. Well first of all the DM’s Adam sent during this particular exchange go as follows— “Ok serious question. I’m having another baby and if its w a boy I really wanna name it Sumner. You ok with that? DEAD serious.” Pause reading to LOL…ok let’s continue.

Photo posted by @adamlevine on Instagram

Stroh explains in the video that upon sharing the screenshots with some friends, one of them took to the tabloids to attempt to sell the images. Honestly, the logical move when your annoying mistress friend won’t stop sending you her DM’s with Adam Levine. This TikTok, which went viral with extreme backlash against all parties involved, prompted other Instagram models to share their own cringey DM’s with Levine. And yes these all have taken place during his marriage with Victoria’s Secret angel, Behati Prinsloo, whose first name when you completely butcher it literally sounds like “the hottie.”

Photo posted by @adamlevine on Instagram

The scandal wouldn’t be complete without an insincere insta story apology, which is precisely what we got from the lead singer. The contents of the message were pretty lackluster but according to Levine, everything is fine now between him and his pregnant wife whom he’s been cheating on (so to speak). VALLEY will see about that as the story continues to unfold.

Probably the most shocking detail about this whole situation is that Adam Levine was sending these DM’s through his verified Instagram. Silly Adam. Not only is it cruel for him to cheat on his pregnant wife but just stupid to make it so easy for these random Instagram models to capitalize off of the situation. But VALLEY likes to find the good in every situation and what could be better than a few fresh meme templates for the internet to run into the ground? 

Here are some of VALLEY’s favorite memes from this week’s scandal.

Tweet posted by @zachsilberger on Twitter
Tweet posted by @1664timemachine on Twitter
Tweet posted by @ecto_fun on Twitter
Tweet posted by @SAMGREIS on Twitter

If a Victoria’s Secret model can be cheated on this publicly, is anyone safe? Let us know your thoughts on the situation by tweeting us @VALLEYmag on Twitter.


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