For many people, a cup of coffee is an essential part of the morning routine. While coffee may be the classic caffeine boost, coffee and tea lovers alike are reaching for something new. That’s where matcha comes into the picture.
Matcha is a finely ground powder that comes from specially grown and processed green tea leaves. Similar to coffee, there are several different methods of preparation to match the consumer’s particular tastes. However, VALLEY recommends blending up matcha powder with some ice and vanilla soymilk for a delicious iced matcha latte.
Round 1: Caffeine
Each cup of coffee has about 120 milligrams of caffeine in it. This caffeine spreads quickly through the body to give you that short burst of energy. What you may not know is that with that burst of energy comes some not so good side effects.
Too much coffee consumption can easily lead to insomnia, jitteriness, anxiety, and an increased heart rate. For people that drink coffee every day, they start to develop a dependency on that caffeine surge, and without it, one will start to feel withdrawal symptoms like increased irritability, headaches, and an overall lack of energy. People that drink coffee will often feel worn out again later in the day. This is because the caffeine boost from coffee also only lasts 1-3 hours
On the other hand, the caffeine boost from matcha lasts much longer; 4-6 hours. A big difference between coffee and matcha, that might deter people from picking up a cup of matcha, is that matcha has about 50% less caffeine than coffee. However, what makes up for the lower caffeine levels, is the fact that matcha has certain phytonutrients that result in the body absorbing the caffeine at a slower rate.
This means that the caffeine boost from matcha lasts much longer than a caffeine boost you’ll get from just a plain old cup of joe. In addition, the energy boost from matcha also will not leave you feeling jittery the way coffee can. In fact, people have said matcha has a calming effect.
Winner of round 1: Matcha
Round 2: Health Benefits
While coffee drinking can sometimes be deemed as unhealthy, drinking it in moderation can actually have unexpected health benefits including a decreased risk of heart disease and type 2 diabetes in addition to containing some important nutrients.
Despite these health benefits of coffee, Matcha has it beat. The powdery green tea has a balanced ph level, which makes it great for digestion. Health fanatics also rave about matcha for its antioxidants, minerals, and amino acids that fight disease and include anti-aging properties. If that’s not enough to convince you, matcha also leads to better breath and combats the bacteria that cause plaque buildup on your teeth whereas coffee can lead to yellowed teeth and bad breath with continuous consumption.
Winner of round 2: Matcha
With all these health benefits, matcha is the clear winner. If you are willing to give it a try, here are some of VALLEY’s favorite and affordable matcha brands. Serve them hot or iced with your favorite dairy or plant-based milk!
Eco- Taste Organic Matcha

Jade Leaf Matcha