There are 104 days of summer vacation (according to “Phineas and Ferb”) and it’s time to decide how to spend it. With good habits falling to the wayside during the school year’s busiest months, many are in danger of becoming a complete beach bum once finals week ends.
Setting a few preliminary goals can assist in avoiding the dog days of summer. As seen trending on social media, the “75 hard” challenge aims to improve self-confidence and discipline through the implementation of good habits.
75 What?
According to Forbes, the 75 hard is the daily practice of following a diet, completing two 45-minute workouts (one of which must be outdoors), taking a progress picture, drinking one gallon of water, reading 10 pages of a book (audiobooks not included) and abstaining from alcohol.
This routine is – as addressed in its moniker – hard, something that summer is not meant to be. Summer is also 39 days longer than the established 75, so VALLEY suggests modifying the challenge to be somewhat of a 114 medium.
Hello Grill Season

It’s always important to be eat mindfully, but there’s no need to adhere to a full keto or vegan diet during barbeque season. Limiting sugar, eating three balanced meals, avoiding midnight snacks and aiming for five fruits/vegetables per day still allows for a healthy intake, without too much constraint. Introducing an additional challenge, like meatless Mondays can also add an exciting dimension to your summer goals.
Good Times and Ab Lines

In addition to fueling one’s body, staying active helps to avoid summertime sadness. Instead of working out twice per day, it is more realistic to fit in one workout per day with an additional hour spent outside. There are so many ways to get moving in the summertime including walking, running, biking, swimming, yoga and so much more. After these activities, recharge in the sunshine to get the most out of the nice weather.
Catch a Wave

It’s especially important to stay hydrated during hot summer months. A full gallon per day is a tad ambitious so instead aim for an average adult’s healthy amount: 91 ounces for women or 125 ounces for men.
Sunshine on My Mind

Summer reading, though it might seem elementary, circumvents brain rot in the absence of academia. There are so many interesting articles out there that help distract from doom scrolling. Here’s a few media outlets that have the best quick reads: The Atlantic, Vox, The New Yorker, The Cut.
Journaling is another great way to maintain an active mind. Though it’s easy to focus on anxious thoughts once the pen hits the paper, centering reflection around expressions of gratitude helps to maintain a positive mindset.
5 O’Clock Somewhere

Limiting substances is another great way to keep your mind and body clean this summer. Whether this means cutting them out completely or simply cutting back, any type of regulation is a healthy habit to uptake.
Beach You To It

It’s important to establish a routine in order to not get lost in the sudden abundance of free time. Introducing three steps to morning/night routines establishes landmarks within the summer haze.
For example, when getting ready, complete two out of three elements – hair, makeup or outfit – to help you feel put together. Also, keep your space clean by cleaning up for 15 minutes before bed to help mornings feel less chaotic.
Summer is the perfect time to finally complete any task that’s been procrastinated. Whether this be financial chores, cleaning tasks, career/school prep or anything that gets put off during the school year, take some time to complete these in order to free up headspace.
Summer is a great time to relax, but between moments spent lazing on sunny afternoons, implement good habits into your routine to chase away laziness and summertime sadness.
Keep track of your goals with VALLEY on Instagram @VALLEYmag!