Why Wait for 2021?

2020 is most definitely not what most people planned for.. Since March of this year, the world has been completely changed. It was pretty hard to work on 2020 resolutions when the world went on hold, halting future endeavors.

We don’t know what 2021 will bring, but VALLEY hopes 2020 put us through enough and this new year will be a refreshing change. So, why wait to start your resolutions? 

How to Start
  1. Define your goals 
    • Make your goal clear! If it isn’t clear, it’ll be harder to measure. Knowing what you want can make working for it easier. 
  2. Make a Plan 
    • Give yourself a schedule and rules to follow. It’s the best way to set yourself up for success. Having steps and a schedule to follow can help make the tasks feel like a routine. 
  3. Accountability Buddy 
    • This can be a good friend or family member, who has goals like you. It doesn’t matter who it is, as long as you trust them and they understand what you are trying to do. 
  4. Track Your Progress 
    • This depends on your goals but is so important! Seeing how far you’ve come can really motivate you. It’s also important to acknowledge all the great work you have already gotten done. Give yourself credit where credit is due.


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