While Stuck Inside, Why Not Revamp Your Room

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Do you have the sudden urge to mix something up? Now is the best time to tackle your closet, move some things around in your room or add some touches of decoration here and there. VALLEY is here to provide the best tips on how to revamp your room all while combining organization and style. 

Rearrange the Layout

This might be one of easiest ways to completely change the feeling of your room. Simply moving your bed to the opposite side of the room and adjusting furniture along with it will help bring a whole new flow and feeling into the space. Rearranging things can also help you organize your room in a way that provides the most functionality. Have some fun with it and try different layouts until one feels just right.

You Can Never Have Too Many Plants

Who doesn’t love a good plant? Bringing some greenery into your room will make it feel more relaxing, especially in these times. Place plants or succulents in bare spaces to brighten them up, and if you can purchase a live plant, do it — it feels good to take care of something that is your own! No matter the size of the plant or how many you have, greenery is sure to bring good vibes into your room. 

Get Personal With Your Walls

There is nothing better than working with a blank canvas. If your walls are bare, try to find some art, photography or other decorations to hang that will bring a personal touch to your room. A simple way to fill up some space is to collect your favorite pictures and create a collage or gallery wall. Find pictures that speak to you and arrange them in a pleasing way that will completely elevate the look of your bedroom. Maybe you have some vinyl records laying around, so why not hang them up? Wall tapestries or hanging vines are also great to add to balance out the room. Your bedroom is a place for expressing yourself, so why not do it with your walls?

Lighting Matters

You can completely change the feel of your lighting without having to spend a lot of money. If you’re looking for something subtle, white string lights, or even candles, always make a space feel cozy and inviting. Create natural light by opening up curtains and windows. It will not only open the space up, but it will also make you feel productive and energized. 

Switch Up Some Decor

Whether you have your dresser decorated with trinkets, or your side table has some accent pieces, why not mix that decor around? It’s a fun process to gather all your decorations and find some different spots for them. Along with decorations, you can mix up your bed. Try stacking accent pillows in a new way, or switch out your old throw blanket with a new one. Subtle changes like this can make a big difference. These are very simple fixes that will leave your bedroom feeling fresh again.

Time to Clean & Organize 

With so much time on your hands, a good room clean out is one of the best activities to keep yourself occupied. Take this time to tackle your closet or that one drawer full of junk we all have. Also, making your bed each day and keeping a clean space will help reduce stress. With some TLC, your room can be the most organized it’s ever been!  

With some extra time on your hands, VALLEY recommends these tips for a good room clean out or redecoration. Have you recently redone your room and want others to see? Share your pictures with @VALLEYmag on Twitter!



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