What your Enneagram Type says about you

Photo from yourenneagramcoach.com

Taking a personality test is a helpful way to learn more about yourself and the people around you. You may be familiar with the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (if not, check that out too!). This new quiz is just as personable and fun to take. But what is an enneagram type?

According to the Enneagram Institute,

The Enneagram can be seen as a set of nine distinct personality types, with each number on the Enneagram denoting one type. It is common to find a little of yourself in all nine of the types, although one of them should stand out as being closest to yourself.

Essentially, the Enneagram Test explains why people behave, think and feel in certain ways based on their core fears and desires. No type is “better” than another; each has its own strengths and weaknesses.

Photo from enneagraminstitute.com

There are so many different enneagram tests online, including ones that are more in depth than others. Here is one that is quick to take. After completing the quiz, you will be given three different numbers and will have to choose which one you believe best suits you.

After you think you know what your basic type is, read below to find out what this number says about you.

“The Reformer”

Type 1 is described as the “rational, idealistic type.” They are principled, purposeful, controlled and have a “sense of mission” that makes them want to improve the world.

Ones strive for perfection and place emphasis on following the rules. This type can be hard on themselves when trying to always to do the “right” thing.

“They are teachers, crusaders, and advocates for change: always striving to improve things, but afraid of making a mistake,” the Enneagram Institute writes.

“The Helper”

Type 2 is described as caring, generous and a people pleaser. They are empathetic, sincere and go out of their way to help others. Their unconditional love for others makes them feel worthwhile.

Twos believe that they must always put others before themselves. This can lead into doing things for others in order to feel needed. They can also have problems showing their own desires since they focus their attention on other people.

Type 2s “find great joy in being available and are seen as a source of encouragement or a shoulder to cry on,” as explained by truity.com.

Type 3
“The Achiever”

Type 3s are success-oriented, driven, self-assured and ambitious. As a result, they can be busy and always on the go.

At their best, they are charming, ambitious, diplomatic and can inspire others. But at their worst, they can have problems with workaholism and caring too much about their image and status.

“Threes are often successful and well liked,” The Enneagram Institute explains. “… Of all the types, they most believe in themselves and in developing their talents and capacities.”

“The Individualist”

Type 4s are described as sensitive, expressive and creative. They want to take care of their own emotional needs before anything else. They feel like they are unlike others and are aware of their differences more than any other type.

They are able to transform their experiences and create beauty and meaning for themselves and others; a romantic at heart, fours are very connected to their feelings. However, this can lead to problems of melancholy and self-pity.

Truity.com states that the ultimate goal of a Type 4 is to “accurately present their true selves to the world in order to feel real, healthy and whole.”

“The Investigator”

A Type 5 is alert, curious and insightful. They have a motivation to know and to understand. They are innovative, analytical and can see the world in a new way.

Type 5s want to figure out why things are they way they are; they are able to set their emotions aside and offer objective observations. They can focus and concentrate well on whatever interests them; however, they can become preoccupied with their own thoughts and detached from others.

“Privacy and personal autonomy are very important to them, and other people may be experienced as intrusive,” describes The Enneagram Network.

“The Loyalist”

A Type 6 is described as committed, responsible, hardworking and trustworthy. They are reliable and attentive to people and problems.

Type Sixes value security and the need to be safe and prepared. This type tends to foresee problems and helps to promote cooperation.

At their best, they are courageous, a great team player and are committed to their values. At their worst, they become defensive and anxious, becoming suspicious of others and having self-doubt.

“The Enthusiast”

Type 7 is described as busy, spontaneous, versatile and extroverted. They want to experience life to the fullest and tend to be very optimistic.

A Type 7 wants to avoid pain and are constantly seeking new experiences. They are energetic and value happiness and flexibility

This type, however, can become distracted and exhausted. They can be scattered and have problems with being impatience and impulsive.

Their main motivations, as described by The Enneagram Institute, are to “maintain their freedom and happiness, to avoid missing out on worthwhile experiences, to keep themselves excited and occupied, to avoid and discharge pain.”

“The Challenger”

Type 8s are self-confident, assertive and decisive. They feel the need to control their environment and can be confrontational. They have a motivational need to be strong while avoiding vulnerability.

This type does very well at protecting themselves, as well as their family and friends. They use their strength to improve others’ lives and possess qualities of will, persistence and endurance.

Eights, however, can have problems with their tempers and can seem intimidating to other people. They can be aggressive and stubborn but have great determination and typically assume leadership roles.

“The PeaceMaker”

Type 9s are described as easy going, reassuring and complacent. They are usually stable, creative and supportive. They are motivated by the need to be “settled and in harmony with the world” according to integrative9.com.

Nines want to be without conflict and hope for everything to go smoothly. They have the ability to diffuse conflict and are very agreeable and kind.

Nevertheless, because of their hate for conflict, they simplify problems and minimize anything upsetting. They can be very indecisive and can procrastinate something if it means facing priorities or a necessary conflict.


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