Here’s How To Protect Yourself From Coronavirus

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Spring break is here, but with coronavirus on the rise, it may make traveling tough. As more and more cases of coronavirus pop up around the world, it’s important to take care of yourself to limit your chances of catching it. 

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While experts agree they have a great deal to learn, four factors likely play a role in how coronavirus spreads: how close you get to an infected person; how long you are near an infected person; whether that person projects viral droplets on you; and how much you touch your face. 

It’s important to note that age and health are also factors. 

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has urged travelers to avoid countries with a Level 3 or 4 travel health notice. This includes China, Italy, Iran and Japan.

However, if you do still plan to travel there are things you can do to protect yourself. The World Health Organization has released suggestions to protect yourself from the potentially deadly virus.

You should wash your hands frequently and thoroughly. Make sure to use soap and warm water and scrub your fingertips. 

Try to cough or sneeze into your elbow or a tissue to avoid the spread of germs. This greatly decreases the chance of spreading viruses to other people.

Although it may be hard to distance yourself from friends or family, try to avoid close contact with anyone that has a fever or cough. Contact with someone infected with the coronavirus is the easiest way to catch the virus yourself.

If you’ve been traveling and start to show symptoms that could be linked to the coronavirus, like a fever, cough or difficulty breathing, see a doctor right away. Make sure to share travel history with them at your appointment. 

Lastly, keep in mind that coronavirus is not the only virus in the world. Continue to protect yourself from other viruses, such as the flu, by getting vaccinated.
