What’s In Your Fanny Pack? | THON 2017

Photo by Jordan Pietrafitta

Every year, THON brings out the best colorful tutus, socks, hairstyles and most importantly—fanny packs. Valley decided to get the inside scoop on whats in some of the dancers’ fanny packs this year.

Megan Glover, a senior dancing for the Society of Women Engineers, had a fanny pack full of surprises. When asked what she reached for most in her pack, she laughed.

“I have a kazoo in here,” says Glover, as she pulls out a bright green and yellow kazoo.

“I also have some pop rocks, a portable charger and oh, these glasses,” Glover laughs as she whips out crazy, hippy glasses. What she took out of her fanny pack next was a blast from the past.

“I brought my Nintendo D.C., because he is my guy friend here,” says Glover.

A bright purple fanny pack covered in sparkles caught Valley’s eye, belonging to dancer Brooke Cichocki, dancing for the Encore School of Music. Cichocki, a sophomore, had a variety of random essentials in her pack. Along with her phone, a portable charger and some gum, she had some balloons, gel pens and the 20-questions game.

“It’s got everything,” says Cichocki.

Lastly, Valley decided to interview John Mcdowell, a super-senior dancing for Science Lion Prime. His white fanny pack covered in various THON stickers was basically filled with one thinggel pens.

“I have to have my gel pens,” says Mcdowell.

Along with his multicolored pens, he pulled out a blue, light up ring, some more stickers and pictures of funny memes.

“My sister printed me out a bunch of pictures of memes, so I can look at them when I am starting to get tired,” Mcdowell says with a smile.

Each and every dancer had a fanny pack that represented their own style and most importantly, why they THON. FTK!