What is an “everything shower”?

Photo from TheEveryGirl.com

The “everything shower” goes beyond the usual routine of showering. The process of the “everything shower” includes steps that take place pre-shower, during-shower and even post-shower. It can include steps ranging from hair masks to exfoliating to ice rolling your face. This shower that takes place once a week takes a deep dive into self care and refreshes not just the body, but the mind too. Wondering how to craft the perfect everything-shower? Here’s what you’ll need:  

The Pre Shower

Before hopping into the shower there are some preliminary processes to go through. Since you’re about to be squeaky clean, it’s okay to get icky first. 


This means getting oil all up in your hair. The kind of oil that works best for you depends on your hair’s specific needs. Some options you can find at home are coconut and sesame oil —these are really good for deep conditioning and preventing protein loss in hair. If you’re looking for a more regimented pre-shower hair ritual, Olaplex no.3 is a good option for moisturizing your hair and making it feel healthier.

Photo from Pinterest.com

On the theme of masks, before showering is a good time to put on a face mask since you’ll be washing your face soon anyway. Some of the most popular ones shared on #beautytok are: the Supermud mask, Ordinary Peeling solution, and the Youth to the People Glow Dream mask.

Photo from Pinterest.com

This is where the fun really begins. During the actual shower everything from your normal routine should still be incorporated as usual, just with some extra flair. 


Wash out whatever pre-shower product you had in your hair, do the usual shampoo and conditioner, and give yourself a little scalp massage! Using your fingertips and applying medium pressure, circulate the top of your head to exfoliate, loosen debris and dandruff, and increase follicle circulation.

Photo from Pinterest
Exfoliating and shaving

Use an exfoliant before shaving to remove any dead skin and get a closer shave. Pretty much any exfoliant will do, but avoid ones with ingredients like fruit pits/seeds, walnuts, shells, and salt. These ingredients, though natural, can cause micro tears in skin because of their jagged size. Look for products like……. When it comes to getting that close shave, men’s razors or five-blade razors are more likely to help you get that close shave you’re looking for.

Photo from Pinterest.com
The post-shower

It’s not over yet! 


Once everything is washed out, let your hair heatlessly dry whichever way works best for you. Then incorporate another moisturizing product like an oil or spray. The biggest goal of everything shower is to reset your hair and body for the week. An additional product to lock in the results from the pre-shower steps is a good way to do that. 


Moisturize everything. This step is pretty simple, but it’s easy to skip over during a typical shower. 

…All done!

The everything shower is a great opportunity to spend some extra time on yourself. Once a week, give yourself an hour or two to go above and beyond the usual routine —not only will you see the difference, but you’ll feel it too.

Let us know if we missed anything by tweeting us @VALLEYmag.


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