Two Paws Up for Pet Adoption

RT if this has happened to you: you’re trudging through campus on a sweltering early-September afternoon, backpack hunching you over, sweat dripping down the backs of your knees, hoards of students slowing down your seemingly infinite trek to class. You have two more classes to go and the only other thing on your mind is that paper you need to write by 11:59 p.m. that, so far, only has a heading. You’ve lost all hope for maintaining your sanity when, all of a sudden, you see a townie walking their spunky little beagle and they’re headed your way. Stopping to pet the dog will definitely force you to half-run to class, but would it be worth it? “Excuse me, do you mind if I pet your dog?”, you ask the friendly stranger, deciding that you’re doing this, not for yourself, but for your sanity.

If this has happened to you, you’re not alone. College can be exhausting, and sometimes all we need is a companion to get us through the endless nights of studying. If you’ve considered getting a pet but don’t know where to look, look no further than Centre County Paws. Just 10 minutes from campus, they’re home to more than 40 cats and 20 dogs, all available for adoption! Young, broke college students make ideal owners for these animals, but it comes at a cost; aside from adoption fees, college students are required to do community service hours with these animals — 10 hours for cats, 20 hours for dogs — in order for the shelter to know that they understand the commitment there is to adopting.

Plenty of students have adopted, but if you’re having doubts, Valley was able to find someone who had nothing but good to say about the process. Junior Kevin Wimpfheimer has had his puppy, Dakota, for six weeks now, but she’s already 18 weeks old. “I definitely recommend adopting for any college student. Aside from the community service aspect, it’s pretty simple and way more affordable with a student budget than purchasing one from a breeder.”

There are a plethora of benefits to adopting as opposed to buying. As Shelter Staff Assistant Catherine Conlan so eloquently put it, “When you look at an animal that’s being rescued, you know, they’re thankful for you… you’re saving a life. When you’re purchasing an animal you’re creating a need for more of those animals to be bred; but when you save an animal from a shelter, you’re giving them a second chance, another lease on life. That’s a big difference.”

If you make the decision to adopt, you can be the envy of all angry students trudging to class, and bring them momentary joy, while saving the life of an animal.

If you’re interested in adopting, contact Centre County Paws for more information at (814) 237-8722 or visit their website at