Have you seen a funny photo of an animal and wondered what was going on in their mind? Perhaps we aren’t that different from animals when expressing emotions. Here we have some funny animal pics labeled by everyday moments in State College.

When you just got back from break and you already have two papers, one presentation and an exam

When it’s 1 a.m. after a night out and that DP Dough hits different

When your friend says your athletic crush is right behind you

This season’s Ohio State game

When your friends keep bringing up that person that you no longer talk to

When the sober friend has to carry you out the bar and tells you to get a grip
Staring at your laptop like your essay is just going to write itself

When it’s snowing and we still have classes

When your teacher gives you an extension on that project that you haven’t even started

Coming home from the farmers market with a beautiful bouquet of flowers for only $5

When you are at a social event and you only know your one friend

When you wear your new outfit to class and someone compliments you

When your group is presenting a project that was most likely all done by you last night

When you forgot that you had an assignment due last night

Trying to wake up for that morning class that you slept through too many times

Running to the Starbucks in the HUB and there’s no line

Jumping back into bed for a mid-day nap

When it’s just one of those days where everything goes wrong, you forgot to do that assignment, Dunkin made your drink differently, you missed the canvas notification that class was cancelled so you show up and no ones there
If you found any of these relatable tweet us @VALLEYmag with any other moments you can think of!
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