As a busy college student always on the go, caffeine is often an everyday essential. It gives you an immediate energy boost, producing the drive needed to complete a seemingly never-ending list of assignments. But what exactly does it do to the body over time?
In the long run, caffeine can make you anxious, unable to sleep and drain your energy levels. With finals quickly approaching, it may be hard to imagine getting through the tough weak without your caffeinated fix. VALLEY is here to tell you that there are simple and easy ways to give a boost to your energy levels without caffeine while still packing the same punch you need.
Hydrogen and Oxygen
Drinking water may be overlooked by many as an energy source, but it’s a very vital one. The brain is strongly influenced by your hydration status, affecting energy levels and brain function. Dehydration leaves you drained and less able to complete a long list of assignments, which isn’t ideal during finals week. Hydrating the body becomes super important because, in turn, it also hydrates the mind and can increase focusing abilities.
Catch Some Z’s
Taking a nap might not seem like a productive way to spend your time, but it is actually an extremely beneficial way to boost your energy levels.
Doctor Sara C. Mednick says, “You can get incredible benefits from 15 to 20 minutes of napping … You reset the system and get a burst of alertness and increased motor performance. That’s what most people really need to stave off sleepiness and get an energy boost.”
Next time you want to take a quick nap, don’t feel guilty for closing your eyes. Instead, rest peacefully knowing you’re helping yourself in the long run.
Bust A Move
Exercising the body helps to provide the mind with a sharper attention span and higher levels of concentration.
Dr. Gotlin, a sports specialist at Lenox Hill Hospital, says, “The psychological part of exercise has been shown to directly correlate with energy levels: You feel better and feel more energy.”
Exercise will also help you get a better night’s sleep, feeling more refreshed come the morning. Endorphin levels, a group of hormones, will also rise, boosting your overall mood and releasing any stress you may feel.
Turning Off The Screen
Phones can make it more difficult to pay attention to school work and assignments. Checking Twitter and Instagram for a few minutes as a break from work can easily turn into longer periods of time which are often wasted study minutes.
Psychologist and assistant professor, Tiffany Herlands, says, “There is no evidence that using games and puzzles increases energy levels … there is evidence that as we spend more time tethered to electronics and the internet … we’re becoming less able to use selective attention, which is the ability to screen out distracting information while directing our attention deeply on a single task.”
Putting away the phone increases your energy as well as your phone’s battery – a win-win situation.
Sing Your Heart Out
Belting out the words to your favorite song can increase your energy levels, so go ahead and grab your hairbrush and speaker. Your levels of stress hormones will be reduced, making you feel more energetic and less tired. Singing along to your go-to songs pumps extra oxygen to your head, making you feel more awake and ready to take on the day.