Mix and Match Outfits for Colder Weather

There are two main things that people look forward to when the weather gets colder. The first is the delicious assortment of food and beverages from your favorite coffee, bagel and even doughnut shops. Pumpkin and apple flavor anything will never get old. The second is the fact that you can now tuck away the crop tops and shorts and trade them in for more layers and coverage.

However, the downside to your wardrobe transition is that if you like to stay stylish, then finding a weather-appropriate yet fashionable outfit can be a tough task to conquer on those cold mornings.

The items that qualify as weather-appropriate gear for colder weather are your usual knit sweaters, infinity scarfs, warm socks and comfortable pants. All of these pieces not only cover your body so you don’t freeze to death, but also come in numerous styles and colors so that any girl can rock and conquer them.

The problem with these items is that they tend to be layered together, allowing a loose-fit look. This is great for colder weather but not necessarily for fashion. How can you show off your cute cashmere sweater when you have to cover it in a big heavy coat? Or how can anyone see your cute new leather belt, if your sweater falls all the way down to your knees? No worries, there are solutions that allow you to rock your favorite fall/winter looks while still being able to wear the cute items of the spring/summer look.

The number one solution to this confusion is to mix and match. Use fall as the season to experiment since you have a wide variety of clothes to choose from. This means that if you want to show off that cashmere sweater, pair it up with a cute vest and an infinity scarf so that you can still be warm with the absence of the big heavy coat, allowing all to see the prettiness of your sweater. Plus, adding items such as a vest or an infinity scarf gives your outfit a more fashionable and fun look, instead of the basic one top and bottom look.

Lets not forget about that new leather belt that you really want to show off. The best way to compliment lower body items is to keep everything on top simple. This goes back to the mix and match solution. So for your belt, instead of putting it on tight-fitted jeans, try loose baggy boyfriend jeans. This allows your belt to be shown when it hangs off the waist instead of hiding when raised under your shirt. In addition to pairing it with a baggy bottom, match it with a tight top. Opt for a crop sweater, still gets the job done but it is cut in a way to show off your waist. This way, your belt is shown off with a tight but weather-appropriate top, paired with a suitable bottom.

Whether it be a tight top and a loose bottom or vise versa, mixing and matching your outfits is a smart and fun way to make sure that you not only have a “weather-appropriate” outfit for the colder weather, but still have the tight fitting appeal of your warmer seasons.

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