Introducing: The Chair

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You look at the layout of your room, you stay fixated on that one chair in the corner that holds all your clothes and clutters. This chair has seen it all and never complains when you add one more item to it to hold. The chair is very important to the ecosystem of the room, have you ever analyzed how the chair feels and what it thinks like? VALLEY has stepped into chair world and walked a day in its shoes for you!

Not Built for This Kind of Thing
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The very first day you and the chair met, your first thoughts were probably not going to what it would hold in your later days. That’s the funny thing about the chair, its original use is not meant for holding clothes that are in perjury between the laundry basket and the closet. 

You bought the chair thinking of how it’ll look with your desk and how comfortable it will be for YOU to sit on. One thing leads to another and as you try things on and clothes out of the closet, the chair starts to look more and more like a storage unit. Soon, you never sit at your desk anymore because the chair is overflowing with half of your closet.

All This Support, For What

Poor chair, it’s never appreciated for all that it actually does. Piles and piles later, the chair is even judged for being the messy portion of the room. So aside from the lack of appreciation, the chair faces criticisms left and right. The chair has never let you down, yet as a society, we let it down every day.

Placing your “stuff” on the chair is often a thoughtless process. It is so automatic you can’t think about every time you’ve set something down on the chair intentionally.

Just like us, the chair wants to feel validated for all it does. The chair, like you has been piling up all sorts of problems and junk that at the end of the day just ends up weighing everyone down.

What Even Goes On Chair
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Now that we’ve established a human butt doesn’t go on the chair as often as it should, what does? What is all of this “stuff” the chair is supporting and for what? 

  • Tops that were casualties of the try-on haul.
  • Pants that were worn once so are too clean for the dirty laundry but too dirty for the closet. 
  • Purses that still have last night’s receipts and lipglosses.
  • Jackets that did not make it to the hangers in the closet.
  • The towel from that everything shower a few days ago.
  • Decorative pillows from the bed, exiled because they are not comfortable to sleep with. 
Relatable Much
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Being a chair and not living to your real purpose is so difficult. The chair feels overworked and unfulfilled all at the same time. Many chair owners feel this way but hide behind the mask of the chair. “We’re okay, at least we’re doing something.” or “Not sure if this what we’re supposed to be doing, but we’re going to do it anyway and we’re going to do great.”

There are some rare occasions when we feel the need to pick up the pieces of our breakdowns and the chair gets relieved from the weight of the weeks of work. At this time, you may even decide to sit on the chair and think about how comfortable it is and even wonder why you don’t sit at your desk more often. This new development may only last until your next night out when the piling begins.

Let us know what you put on your chair @VALLEYmag on X!


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