Halloween Pumpkin Seed Recipe

Photo by Katie McFadden

Pumpkin carving is in full swing with Halloween right around the corner. Instead of throwing out your pumpkin seeds, try this recipe for a delicious snack!

Fall is synonymous with pumpkin everything. With any and every product available in pumpkin, Valley decided to share a pumpkin recipe using no artificial pumpkin flavoring. Pumpkin seeds are not only super easy to make, but they’re also a healthy and delicious snack!

What You’ll Need:

1 Pumpkin
1 ½ Tsp Olive Oil

What You’ll Do:

1. Carefully cut a hole around the top of your pumpkin, around the stem in order to expose the middle of the pumpkin.

2. Use a big, metal spoon to scoop out the seeds of your pumpkin.

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3. Place your pumpkin seeds in a colander and wash the seeds so that there are no chunks of pulp left on them.

4. After your pumpkin seeds are rinsed, spread them evenly on a baking sheet.

5. Drizzle olive oil on the pumpkin seeds to create flavor and help them brown in the oven. Sprinkle some salt over the seeds.

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6. Preheat your oven to 400˚F and bake the seeds for about 20 minutes, or until they are crisp and start to brown.

7. Sprinkle a little bit of salt on your finished product and enjoy!


If you have a sweet tooth, you can also use butter and cinnamon sugar instead of olive oil and salt!