Recently divorced and doing better than ever, our beloved Kim K graced the cover of Vogue US. The front-page quotes from her, “I’ve chosen myself.” Now, we know not all of us are going through an extremely public celebrity divorce, but we can still take Kim’s legendary advice to heart — here’s how.

My 40s are about being Team Me.
says Kim Kardashian
There is no “I” in team but there is a “me,” and putting yourself first is not selfish. Kim K goes on to say she’s going to be eating well, working out more and spending more time with her kids and people who make her happy. We all need to follow this sage advice: put your health and happiness first. That can mean trying to eat healthier or getting movement more often. It could also mean protecting your space and who you allow into it — try to focus on who you’re with when you feel joyful and stay around them. Cut out negative and toxic people and activities. When saying, “Team Me,” she reminds us that we have to be our own biggest supporter no matter what.

For so long, I did what made other people happy. And I think in the last two years I decided, I’m going to make myself happy.
says Kim Kardashian
Kim K is a people-pleaser, just like us! While it’s good to keep people’s feelings and opinions in mind, it can cross a boundary when you sacrifice your wellbeing for someone else. To stop the people-pleasing, make sure you create clear boundaries in all of your relationships, whether it be with family, friends or a partner. Most of all, if you are feeling like you’ve sacrificed your mental health for someone else, that is a huge red flag. Follow Kim K’s wise words and make yourself happy.

I’m going to put my phone down. Unfollow if I don’t want to see something on Instagram.
says Kim Kardashian
This is a big one, especially for a celebrity like Kim Kardashian. If she can do it, so can we. What we take in through media affects our whole outlook and mood. If you know there are certain accounts that will bring you down, click unfollow right now. No hard feelings. Also, try to spend more time in the moment with people you love rather than scrolling through TikTok (although we love that, too). It’s all about balance. Don’t let social media control your life and mood. Remind yourself that social media is usually a highlight reel that doesn’t show everything. You don’t have to have the perfect feed or look good in every pic to be fulfilled.
We are so thankful to have a celebrity older sister like Kim Kardashian. Her advice is timeless and we can all use it. Tweet us @VALLEYmag with your favorite piece of advice from Kim K!