Reading inspirational quotes or using the power of positive thinking can be taken to the next level by realizing some people spend their lives researching for and writing blogs to enhance the lives of others. If you’re too busy for a daily blog, a weekly check-in is a must for people looking for the latest insight.
1. “Brain Pickings”

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Maria Popova, writer and literary critic, describes her blog, “Brain Pickings.”
“[It is] a cross-disciplinary Lego treasure chest, full of pieces spanning art, science, psychology, design, philosophy, history, politics, anthropology and more; pieces that enrich our mental pool of resources and empower combinatorial ideas that are stronger, smarter, richer, deeper and more impactful,” she says. “Above all, it’s about how these different disciplines illuminate one another to glean some insight, directly or indirectly, into that grand question of how to live, and how to live well,” Popova says.
2. “Wait But Why”

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“Wait But Why” is a sarcastic blog using humor and a long discussion type of writing to cover important topics. The blog, written and illustrated by Tim Urban, is made interesting with illustrations combined with prose. One of his most popular posts is about why you should stop caring so much about what other people think about you.
3. “Mark Manson”

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Manson gives a brief introduction about himself and why you should follow his blog.
“I am the NY Times bestselling author of “The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck”, a blogger and internet entrepreneur. I write about big ideas and give life advice that doesn’t suck. Some people say I’m an idiot. Other people say I saved their life. Read and decide for yourself,” he says.
4. “LionSpeak”

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LionSpeak is dedicated to helping individuals communicate with others more effectively and authentically. The “Monday Morning Stretch,” written by Katherine Eitel Belt, an international keynote speaker, author and coach, is a wonderful way to start your week. Belt is the creator of The Lioness Principle, a unique leadership communication tool. This guiding principle along with several other easily replicable tools are what LionSpeak uses to help people communicate, and this blog offers the insights and inspiration to do so.
5. “Seth’s Blog”

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Seth Godin, author and business executive, says his goal is to make a difference in the world.
“For more than thirty years, I’ve been trying to turn on lights, inspire people, and teach them how to level up. This blog has been appearing daily for more than a decade. One day, if we meet, I hope you’ll share with me your favorite posts. Even better, I’d like to hear about how a book or course helped you interact with the world differently and make a difference,” says Godin.
Spice up your life with one or all of these blogs, and watch your day shine a bit brighter.
Blogger Spotlight: Four Up and Coming Fashion and Lifestyle Bloggers