How To Start A Study Abroad Blog

Going abroad is a time full of exciting adventures and new experiences. Though it will be an extremely busy time in your life, it can be very beneficial to keep an ongoing journal of the experiences you partake in. One popular way to document all of your adventures and keep your family in the loop is to create and maintain an online blog.

Here are a few steps that you should take if you want to create a travel blog while abroad.

Think Of A Name

You can’t have a travel blog without a catchy name! Here are a few suggestions…

  • adventuresof(your name)in (country that you’re studying in)
  • (your name)travels
  • lifeandtimesof(your name)
  • (your name)takes(country that you’re studying in)

These are just a few ideas to get your creative juices flowing, but be original and come up with something that’s fitting to you!

Join A Blogging Website

WordPress, Wix or Weebly are all awesome (and free!) platforms that you can use to maintain your blog.

Keep A Journal With You At All Times

Write down all of your favorite memories. Going abroad is an extremely busy time and it’s very easy to get wrapped up in what you’re doing and forget to document it. Next thing you know, you will be at the end of the semester thinking to yourself, “What was the name of that town I went to in Switzerland 4 months ago?” or “What was that amazing restaurant called in France that I went to?” Abroad is a time of memorable adventures, but sadly your brain can’t remember every single detail. You will thank yourself later for writing your experiences down.

Use Free Time To Your Advantage

When you’re abroad, you are going to be spending a lot of time commuting from country to country, whether that be sitting on a bus, train or plane for hours on end. Utilize this time by writing your experiences down in a journal, or even in the note tab of your phone. Creating your blog posts will be a lot easier if you have a list of details to reference in writing. 

Create A Schedule

Set an hour or so aside per week to sit down and write and organize your blog posts. If you think that is overwhelming, think about what will happen if you save all the blogging to the very last minute! Many details will be forgotten and it’ll all be thrown together rather than having a cohesive blog post that intrigues readers.

Include Pictures

Humans are visual and capture a majority of their understanding from pictures you take. It’s as simple as that. Also, pictures will make your family at home happy. End of story.


Blogs don’t have to be long and intimidating! 

VALLEY suggests writing down the highlights from each trip, such as…

  • New or exotic foods that you have tried
  • Your favorite memories
  • New words or phrases that you learned
  • Influential people that you met
Use Other Travel Blogs For Inspiration

Keeping a travel blog is very common, so if you know any friends who went abroad it wouldn’t hurt to ask them for tips on how they kept one. Even searching “travel blog” on the internet and perusing other people’s experiences will give you insight!

Maintaining a travel blog can seem stressful at the time, but your future self will thank you when you have a documented journal of memories to look back on. Happy and safe travels, study abroaders! 


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