Wrapping With Style

The holiday season is now in full swing, which means tons of shopping and even more wrapping of gifts.

Junior Lindsay DeSantis says she always likes her gift-wrapping to stick out from the rest of the gifts that are under the tree. “I think it just looks nicer and shows that you put effort into the presentation of your gift.”
There are tons of simple ways to spice up your gift-wrapping this season; some ideas don’t even require an extra trip to the store. So if you’re running low on wrapping paper or the creativity bug in you is itching to break free, Valley has got you covered.

Instead of buying the shiny wrapping paper covered with snowflakes, reuse some brown paper bags as wrapping paper. For a pop of color and some holiday cheer add colorful ribbons, buttons or a candy cane.

A great idea when wrapping gifts for all of the ladies in your life is to diversify your wrapping with an embellished ponytail holder. Not only will the gift look really special, the lucky girl will have a little extra something after she unwraps her gift.

If you run out of wrapping paper in the mist of your holiday craze, do not fear. Paper of any kind, whether it be newspaper, Sunday comics or even old maps make for a unique presentation.

For that special someone in your life, use sheet music to one of your favorite songs for wrapping.

“I know if I ever got a gift from a boyfriend with our song on it I would just be so touched,” DeSantis says. “I think it really shows that that’s person cares.”

Your gifts can still look festive if you’re running short on time. If you’re in a hurry, decorative gift boxes are the way to go. There’s no wrapping necessary and the gifts still look nice under the tree.

Photo by Coco Cheng

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