The Summer of an Intern as Told by “The Office”

So you have an internship this summer. Awesome! Good for you. Internships are great but, as with all things, there are definitely a few downsides to having one. Here is what having a summer internship feels like as told by the beloved TV show, The Office.

You have to get up super early every day of the week… and we mean 7 a.m. early.

The minute you get there and a coworker asks you to do a tedious “intern task”.

When there’s treats in the break room.

Trying to read your social media sites during the day without anyone noticing.

You come home at 5 p.m. so tired from the long day and your friends want to hang out, but you just want to watch Netflix and eat popcorn.

When you actually do go out with your friends, but want to go home by 10:30 p.m.

Trying to impress the boss, then realizing later he hardly knows you exist.

When you start off having a bad day.

Seeing your friends snapchats during the day of them having fun, at the beach, or sleeping until noon.

When there’s office drama.

The end of the work week comes and Friday has a whole new meaning for you.

You get (have) to dress professional all summer.

You realize your whole summer was just working and sleeping.

Learning actual things that make you want to change your major.

After a long summer of hard work, you really just want to go back to school.

…so you don’t have to be professional again until next summer.


The staff here at Valley can’t wait to see you all in a few short weeks!


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