TGIF? More Like TGIT!

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When Thursday rolls around, it tends to be the most dreaded day of the week because it’s such a tease for the weekend.  ABC’s most-anticipated “TGIT” returned last night and we really hope you didn’t miss it.

What’s “TGIT” you may ask? Taking a spin on the classic acronym TGIF to mean “Thank God It’s Friday,” ABC has coined “TGIT” to stand for “Thank God It’s Thursday” to hype up this day of the week. It’s so easy for viewers to just say “TGIT” when referring to one of the best nights of television. The line-up of shows that are included in the famous “TGIT” are Grey’s Anatomy, Scandal, and How to Get Away with Murder, respectively.

This week, only Grey’s Anatomy and How to Get Away with Murder returned to ABC, leaving fans with a week to wait for the final season premiere of Scandal. Yes, unfortunately for all of the Scandal fans out there, this season will be the last. That does in fact mean no more Fitz and Olivia, no more Olivia Pope and Associates, and no more father-daughter feuds. Don’t worry because these facts aren’t spoilers, in case you plan on binge-watching the show before it concludes.

However, fans of Grey’s Anatomy and How to Get Away with Murder got to sit back, relax, and enjoy the season premieres of those shows last night.

Going on its 14th season, Grey’s Anatomy was ready to return to ABC in full swing. With the never ending drama among doctors, heart wrenching moments to save patients, and the goodbyes to main characters, fans were able to watch a two-hour special to kick off the season.

How to Get Away with Murder never fails to leave fans on the edge of their toes to see what happens next. Whether it’s Annalise on the verge of another breakdown, drama between the students of her class, or discovering the next manipulative move to make to solve a case, the show cannot have a dull moment.

If you missed “TGIT” last night, no worries! It’s not too late to binge-watch them online. Definitely put yourself in the loop of the greatest night of television so you no longer have to miss out.

Did you watch last night? Tweet @ValleyMag your favorite scenes from the premieres!