Overcoming the Struggle of Finding a Summer Job

You’ve just finished school and are finally home for the summer. Not only have you spent the last few months studying and completing assignments, but you’ve also spent the last nine months working hard to obtain that perfect GPA. All you want to do is lay in bed and relax, but the idea of getting a job continues to loom over your head. In this case, the struggle to find one for the summer is so real.

Once you’ve mustered up enough energy to fill out applications, you then realize that the number of places hiring are limited. Nearly every retail store, restaurant, even some fast food places have full staffs, mainly because they keep the same employees year-round.

“That’s the hardest part,” says sophomore Katie Schoenagel, “finding somewhere that’s actually hiring. Everywhere I’ve gone, they aren’t hiring.”

That’s where problems arise. You have to quickly forget the idea that you’ll be able to work somewhere that you’re interested in, and just settle for picking up an available job. In this case, all that matters is working to get money so that you no longer have to refer to yourself as a typical “broke college student.”

While it may be unfortunate to have to work somewhere that isn’t as glamorous as that new boutique in the mall, any job that you find can be turned into something exciting. Some jobs that may seem boring, such as working at an ice cream shop or the dry cleaner’s, could be fun.

For example, people love ice cream during the summer months, so your customer service skills would only be boosted by working that type of job. Similarly, it is no secret that many people during the summer are too lazy to do their own laundry, so they more than likely will bring it to the dry cleaner’s. By working there, you could improve your own laundry skills, while also meeting a vast majority of people that come through.

After struggling to find any type of job for the summer, you will end up being happy with anything that you can get. Since money is tight after nearly spending it all throughout the semester to stock up on snacks for studying, working long hours just to get that extra cash or tip will be worth it. Even if your ideal job isn’t available to you for the summer, don’t give up on looking for anyone or anywhere that is willing to hire you.