The glam, glitz and fashion that the realm of social media provides users, cause us to become very consumed in the idealistic lives of large names in the media. As users, we are ultimately in control of the content we are exposed to. Living through these unknown times of the changing world while simultaneously being hyper-exposed to the lives of others through social media platforms, toxic standards and social expectations continue to often create a negative experience within these platforms. Instagram, being one of the most popular media outlets in the world, can either be a beautiful, inspiring and educational platform, or one full of unrealistic societal expectations that influence negative self-image.
Here, we’ll aid you in cleansing your feed of the pages that don’t radiate positivity and inspire you to learn more about current events!
1.) @innerplay_outerwork
This page categorizes itself as an educational platform for “personal growth and collective change.” The account is run by @leneasims and she discusses an array of topics through graphic illustrations that are vibrant and eye-catching, along with personal photos in the hope to encourage awareness surrounding mental health, anti-racism and holistic positivity. She strives to push her followers to regain control of their lives and minds.
2.) @wetheurban
This larger account functions as a celebration of “inclusivity, self-love and marginalized voices.” The page is compiled of quotes and subtle blurbs discussing the Black Lives Matter movement and advocates for redefining the negative stigma surrounding minority groups. Along with posting informative content regarding the world’s current events, the account encourages body positivity, adaptable techniques to approach the current pandemic and works to normalize the aspects of life that are very much normal, which modern media commonly projects as abnormal.
3.) @shityoushouldcareabout
This New Zealand based page is coupled with a podcast, @theshitshow___podcast, that centers around global awareness of all aspects of humanity that we should all be actively educating ourselves on. Varying from the Goya Bean Scandal to persistent petitioning and restating of Breonna Taylor’s tragic death to building awareness and raising money toward the crises occurring in Yemen and Syria, this account provides information for truly anything human beings should generally give a shit about. Most posts are compacted into short paragraphs, tweets or illustrations that get the point across quickly and truly cannot be ignored through a casual homepage scroll.
4.) @growthroughcommunity
This self-help account is owned by @lostdylan, and is full of lively web illustrations that advocate for normalization and the redirection of the common misconceptions surrounding mental health and mental illness. What we find to be so special about this page is that the illustrations are spirited and are easy to interpret by younger users. Ultimately, this has the potential to establish a healthy relationship and understanding of mental health at a young age.
5.) @black_at_penn_state
As a student body, it is our duty to strengthen the sense of community and awareness of racial injustices that occur toward the Black students at our own campus. This account exposes stories and experiences of Black students, faculty and alumni during their time spent at Penn State. They are stories that need to be read, understood and remembered. The posts establish a sense of accountability that we as a student body are responsible for upholding, understanding and utilizing to foster change.
6.) @projecturok
The function of this account is to end the negative stigmas that circulate around mental health and mental illness that have for so long, gone unfortunately unchanged and regularly misunderstood. It promotes positivity and normalcy for those who have been told by societal standards that they are “not-so-normal” for feeling things that are not always openly discussed. The approach this account takes towards positive thinking is that it deflects from constant reminds to think and be positive, but instead reminds its followers that it is very normal to not be happy at all times. The account also recognizes the strength and mental power it requires to work on maintaining a healthy mental state.
7.) @activismandstuff
This rather large account speaks up and out about the transformative world we are living in, along with how and why change is necessary. The posts work as a form of encouragement toward their followers to become more active members of society in regard to cultural imbalances, LGBTQ+ awareness, global information and negative societal standards.
8.) @chnge
With a following of more than 1.4 million users, this platform provides contemporary content that focuses heavily on a wide variety injustices occurring in the world. They also heavily advocate for sustainable production and fair trade—which the fashion industry commonly avoids discussing. The merchandise sold through the @chnge account is designed for a “more sustainable and environmentally conscious tomorrow.” They produce carbon-neutral clothing and address the reality of the fast-fashion world and how it is one of the top five most polluting industries in the world. They push to “consume less, consume better, consume differently.”
9.) @feminist
The term “feminism” has been assigned a negative connotation and has crafted a warped reality of the truth surrounding the word. This page displays the definitive form of feminism, in which it is the “radical belief that we are all equal.” The educational resources provided by the @feminist account references sexual assault and domestic abuse awareness, outlets to gain aid in mental health along with suicide hotlines. They dedicate highlights to radical women to educate their followers of the women who pressured the norm of inequality and the influence they held over future generations of women. It also works to redefine the concrete understanding of what women are that societal standards continue to so heavily uphold.
10.) @hippypotter
Thaddeus Coates—artist, model, dancer and owner of the energetic page full of web illustrations—influences the understanding of important messages regarding the current worldly movements along with general quotes and animations of positivity to enlighten his followers. Many of his pieces of art are recreations of commonly known animations into black characters while providing information about black creators, black-owned businesses and ways to continue to support the black community. His illustrations and personal photos operate to promote positivity and self-love not only for himself but to his followers.
You are entirely in control of what you fill your feed and your mind with, might as well make it content that is educational, knowledgable and challenges you to become a better you!