What year were you first told to not text in class? Was it sixth grade? Maybe you got to wait till your first year of high school. Whenever it was, it certainly happened. And once a teacher started saying it, it seemed as though they never stopped. Year after year, first day after first day, you were hit with the “No phones in class” rule.
But I have people to text!

Keeping connections in your life doesn’t seem like it would be hard. Your high school friends are your best friends, you’ve seen your neighbor every single day for the past ten years, how would you ever lose contact? But all the sudden, you are sitting in your 10:10 criminology class learning about that one guy who did that one thing, and it hits you— you haven’t texted your person in months.
This guilt is a specific one. It is hard to realize that relationships change, especially ones that were never supposed to. You are inclined to change, to be busy, to get in fights or just simply forget to text, but in the moment that you realize it’s been a while, it’s a heavy one.
And that moment always seems to happen in this damn crim class. There is something to be said about how your mind goes to the people wanders you miss the most, whether that be consciously or subconsciously, in the most random moments. It could be anything that reminds you of them, that brings you back to waiting at that bus stop with your neighbor all those years ago. In these moments— send the text.
Everyone loves getting checked up on. Something as simple as a “thinking of you” text can make someone’s day. It is romantic, endearing and simply kind to let someone know that you were reminded of them and care to hear an update. Falling out of touch is a slow burn, and a hot one at that, don’t let your professors lecture get in the way of mending it. When you get an incling that you should reach out to someone, you honor it.
Next time you realize it’s been months since you got an update on your high school best friends situationship, shoot them a text and see if they can talk on the phone during your walk home from class. Don’t shy away from telling someone you were thinking of them, because chances are, they were just thinking of you too. So, send the text, give them a ring, and yeah, maybe try to pay attention in class too.
And don’t forget to let us at @valleymag know that you miss us too!