Hobby Trifecta

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Let’s talk about that list of pending hobbies. You open it to decide your next uptake or to add yet another potential hobby. You can’t help it — especially after a media wormhole on the latest one.

A World of Possibilities

There are so many amazing pursuits in this world and so many cool people that do them. Sometimes, it makes us want to do it all. Diversifying our hobbies is a step in that direction, but which do we choose? VALLEY says to choose one from three different categories to ease decision-making and maximize your well-being.

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In no order, one activity to engage in should be creative. Whether it is crocheting, DJ-ing or playing in a band, doing creative activities can put you in a flow that both relaxes and engages the mind. It can feel meditative. This can help reduce stress and increase happiness by healthily releasing dopamine. Since being creative can be expressive, it is a great way to learn about yourself. It can also foster passion, reciprocating how passion can lead to exceptional creative endeavors.

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A second pursuit should keep you physically moving like a sport, hiking, dancing or weightlifting. We have all been taught about the benefits of movement from a young age. Therefore, finding one activity that brings you joy is a real win. Whether it satisfies your daily movement requirements or complements them, it is a great way to boost your mood and release endorphins.

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Like how one trains the body to keep it fit, one can train their brain to sharpen up. Hobbies like playing chess, video games, learning about an interesting subject, doing puzzles or reading are great ways to engage the mind and keep it healthy. Reading, for example, can improve active recall, as well as concentration, focus and increase one’s vocabulary. A hobby of this kind is helpful as we age. The Alzheimer’s Society of Canada says that keeping cognitively engaged reduces the risk of dementia which primarily affects elders.

Just Pick Three
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For those with that potential hobbies list, try identifying hobbies as one of the three categories — creative, physical or cognitive. Many may naturally fall into more than one category, and in that case, you just decide where it goes! Depending on what you currently do, choosing another hobby might become easier when looking at how to “complete” the trifecta of hobbies.

What new hobbies are you trying to get into? Tweet us on X @VALLEYmag!


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