Should Side Hustles Be Put to the Side?

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Sometimes you’re just struck with an idea. That million-dollar idea that you quickly convince yourself could be your ticket to success. You’re excited and feeling a sudden surge of motivation to put all your free time into your new project. As you pursue your idea, though, you find that your lifestyle is starting to shift. Suddenly, plans with friends become something that you have to schedule time for in a rapidly busy calendar. You used to jump out of bed on weekends and let yourself be whisked away to a sporting event or a hike of Mount Nittany on an exciting whim. Now, the time you don’t spend on schoolwork is passed in your room with your eyes glued to your computer.

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We Are Human Beings, Not Human Doings

There is beauty in moldable time and space in our day that is set aside to be blissfully at peace with the world, our friends, our passions and simply letting our thoughts come and go. When our days are jam-packed with work, we are more closed off to the wonders of the world. Allowing ourselves to have free time opens up space for creativity and peace to find its way in. With the endless experiences that college has to offer, why spend all of our time working?

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The Curse of the Social Media Influencer

In this day and age, saying something like “side hustles may not be worth it” feels very taboo. We’re programmed by social media influencers to always be chasing wealth and success, so advocating for less of “the grind” is problematic. It feels like everyone on TikTok or Instagram Reels is hyping up drop shipping, affiliate marketing, or some other kind of digital money-maker. It’s like they want us to use what little time we have away from schoolwork to slave away at our computers. Their promises of striking it rich are tempting, but we must remind ourselves that enjoying college and everything it has to offer is more important than a check in the mail.

Are They All Not Worth Our Time?

That being said, if you can find a side hustle that brings you peace and allows you to exercise your creative muscles, then VALLEY encourages you to go for it. The most important part of life is spending it doing what you enjoy. Maybe you are passionate about baking, so go ahead and start that custom sugar cookie business. The line is drawn when you intensely pursue a project that you don’t love, forcing you to give up precious youth to “the grind.” The important thing is to never devote so much time to your new project that you forget to live in the present.

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And just because chasing certain side hustles might not be worth the things you have to sacrifice, creativity and entrepreneurship should never be discouraged. Having bright ideas and interests should be a recurring theme throughout your whole life, but giving up prime years to something that could always be just out of reach should not be the norm.

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Allow Yourself to Have the College Experience

An essential aspect of college is building connections, that social network that everyone talks about. If you do decide to get involved in a side hustle, go one further than just choosing something creative. Choose something that is both creative and that allows you to collaborate with others. Penn Staters form connections through clubs, sporting events and other groups, so try to create a hustle that allows you to overlap with some of them. This approach is simultaneously beneficial for your future self, who will have strong connections from your time at Penn State and for your present self, who gets to enjoy the boundless activities that the school has to offer.

Although these thoughts have been slightly condemning the all-holy “side hustle” there are some obvious benefits. Most importantly, the potential for financial success at a young age is very promising. If you can find a project that gives you purpose and allows you to be creative, then go for it! VALLEY believes that you are your best self when you are doing what makes you happy. For some people, that is a side hustle, but for many others, it is experiencing life as it comes and being open to wild spontaneity.

What creative side hustle would you pursue? Tag us @VALLEYmag on Instagram!


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