It’s that time of the semester! The weather’s getting colder, the days are getting shorter and your morale is at an all-time low. With week 10 in the books, Thanksgiving break is within sight. In just three weeks, many of us will be able to cozy up with friends and family at home for an entire week, but until then, a girls’ night in can give you the boost of energy you need to it through the rest of the semester.

Because most people experience FOMO, making the choice to stay in on a Friday or Saturday night can be tough. However, missing one night of partying will be worth it if it means you can have a fun, relaxing and memorable time with your besties. While there are many different variations of a GNI, there’s nothing like being surrounded by your best friends in a completely judgment-free environment.

One way to kick off a girls’ night in is with a potluck-style dinner. Each friend brings one of their favorite dishes and together create a mish-mosh of delicious home-cooked foods. Pair this dinner with some bottle of $10 wine and sweatpants and you’re all set.
For a GNI during the fall semester, cutting t-shirts and prepping your game day outfits is a great way to bond with your friends, while still getting ready for a weekend of fun to come. If you grab shirts from McLanahan’s for $8.99, you probably won’t feel too bad if you mess up and your shirt turns out nothing like the one you saw on Pinterest.
Another benefit of girls’ night in: if you choose to skip the wine, then you won’t suffer from that dreaded hangover and you’ll be ready to be productive the next day. Girls’ night in gives you the chance to take care of your body and give it a break from the damage of binge drinking.
Throwing on a classic movie or your favorite sitcom will help you wind down the night and give you the chance to catch up with your girls. According to a study done at the Cincinnati Children’s Hospital, just being in the presence of best friends has been proven to decrease the production of the stress hormone, cortisol.
Next time you’re iffy about going out, try staying in with your friends for a change! Share some of your favorite girls’ night in traditions with us on Instagram and Twitter @VALLEYmag!

*VALLEY does not support underage drinking. Please remember to always drink responsibly