500 Things to Love about Penn State: #498 The Starbucks in the HUB

Probably the best surprise of my entire life was returning to Penn State this year to find the (let’s be honest) not-so-delicious cafe in the HUB (dirt-flavored coffee, anyone?) replaced with a STARBUCKS! Finally, a Starbucks that I can use my meal plan at (and justify why I have the Level 6). My life is complete.

As a total caffeine addict, I guarantee you that nine times out of 10, I’m probably in that Starbucks line with you. Being that I’m about 97 percent caffeine, Grande Soy Vanilla Lattes are basically my lifeline to getting through my 9 a.m. classes. Luckily enough, I usually have a few club meetings in the HUB, too, serving as the perfect excuse to swing back for a refreshing Black Tea Lemonade. And on these cold State College days, cutting through the HUB on my way back home from classes is yet another reason to grab a steamy mocha. Got to have something to keep my hands warm (it’s a legit reason).

And, like most sane people, my favorite time of year revolves around the release of Starbuck’s holiday beverages. Caramel Brule Lattes, Peppermint Mochas, Eggnog Lattes. Starbucks has mastered the essence of “Christmas in a Cup.”

Also worth mentioning is Pumpkin Spice Latte Season (aka the official start of fall in my world). At this particular Starbucks, I quickly became known as a regular for my signature autumn breakfast: a pumpkin coffee with a pumpkin scone. After about two months of this, one of the baristas finally asked me if I like pumpkin. Yeah, maybe a little.

So the next time you swing by the Starbucks in the HUB, take an extra second to appreciate the awesomeness that it truly is. The HUB Starbucks: singlehandedly fueling my love of coffee and just one more reason why we LOVE Penn State.

Photo by Jill Podhor

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