Do Pheromone Perfumes Really Work?

Can fragrances really make strangers fall in love with you? It’s possible. The idea behind pheromone perfume is to enhance attraction to the opposite sex.

So what exactly are pheromones?

Pheromones are natural hormones secreted outside of the body that may send signals about your genetic makeup, mood and other information to members of the same species.


Pheromone perfume is a type of perfume made up of synthetic animal musk and chemicals that stimulate the nose. It is formulated to mix seamlessly with your own natural scent to produce a perfume that is completely unique to your genetic makeup.

The idea behind pheromone perfume is that individuals may emit subconscious signals, which could influence how other people perceive and respond to them.

Supporters of pheromone perfume claim that it enhances attractiveness and boosts confidence compared to regular perfumes. Some users claimed to get better tips at work and have had increased romantic interactions when wearing pheromone perfume.

The most popular pheromone perfume from brand Pure Instinct

Due to research on pheromone perfume being relatively new, there is not a concise answer on whether pheromone perfumes work.

Skeptics argue that any results of pheromone perfume are purely psychological and a result of the placebo effect. In addition, scientific research results have mostly been mixed or inconclusive.

However, scent does play a role in attractiveness regardless of pheromones. A staple perfume can play a role in creating your own ‘personal brand’ and can be one of the first things that people notice about you.

We all have certain fragrance preferences making it completely reasonable to be attracted to someone based on their smell.


So, while there isn’t much concrete evidence that pheromone perfumes are a love potion, the magic behind using fragrance to fall in love isn’t completely out of the cards.

Any perfume, pheromone infused or not, will make you smell good.

Next time you buy a new perfume, tweet us @VALLEYmag on Twitter!


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