5 TV Boyfriends We Wish Were Real

Photo posted by Gossip Girl | Instagram (@gossipgxoxo)

Television boyfriends have been making us swoon and breaking our hearts for as long as we can remember. Not only are they usually devastatingly handsome, they seem to possess all of the qualities we can’t seem to find in ‘real’ boyfriends. How’s a girl supposed to cope with reality? Allow Valley to take you to a happier and hotter universe with our list of the five cutest, sweetest and all-around greatest TV boyfriends that we wish were real.

Tim Riggins, Friday Night Lights

Tim Riggins and Lyla Garrity were the power couple of Dillon, Texas. On the surface, a relationship between a cheerleader and star football player may seem stereotypical, but Tim was madly in love with Lyla. He was a Texas bad boy who would do anything for the people he loved. Plus, have you seen his hair? We would be down to stay in “Texas, Forever” if Tim Riggins was by our side.


Chuck Bass, Gossip Girl

Chuck and Blair’s relationship was messy and at times very complicated, but by the end of the series, the two gorgeous characters became Mr. and Mrs and lived happily ever after. In the past, most of their problems involved not being able to express how they felt about one another. However, Chuck always knew the right things to say and do to make Blair fall even more in love with him. Chuck would do anything to make Blair happy, including applying to her dream college for her, paying her dowry and voting for her for prom queen 150 times. Any time we heard the line, “I’m Chuck Bass,” we wanted our own Chuck.


Seth Cohen, The OC

Seth and Summer complimented each other perfectly. He’s goofy, has a great sense of humor and knows how to be romantic. He fought for Summer, which included standing on top of a kissing booth and reciting the classic line, “acknowledge me now or lose me forever.” Seth is the kind of guy you can take home to your parents, but still manage to surprise you with tickets to a crazy concert the next night. Plus, who wouldn’t want to celebrate Chrismukkah with the Cohen family?



Nathan Scott, One Tree Hill

Nathan is the ultimate bad boy that grew up and turned into a great man. When he fell in love with Haley, he changed from a typical bully jock to a sweet, caring boyfriend. Besides being a great father and brother, he’s also amazing at basketball and always followed his dreams. Nathan and Haley’s relationship was real. They fought and had their issues, but Nathan always tried his best and apologized when he needed to.


Cory Matthews, Boy Meets World

We watched Cory and Topanga’s relationship from the beginning, including their first kiss, breakups and their marriage. Cory adored Topanga. They were true soulmates throughout their roller coaster relationship. Cory had that boy-next-door charm and always made sure Topanga knew how much he loved her, even when he was in middle school. Ah, young love.


While it may seem unrealistic and even impossible at times, we hope you find your Tim Riggins, Chuck Bass, Seth Cohen, Nathan Scott or Cory Matthews someday.