Valley Review: Zayn Malik’s “Mind of Mine”

Photo posted by Hailey Quinn | Instagram (@hhaileyquinn)

Everyone from long-time “Directioners” to those who don’t even know what the term “fangirl” means is curious about Zayn Malik’s new album. The album, “Mind of Mine,” was released March 25, 2016. This release date is interesting enough, as it is exactly one year from the day that he announced he was leaving his mates in One Direction to pursue a different path. Evidently, the path he was discussing was going solo and creating his own album. So did this risky move pay off for Zayn? Valley has taken a look at the album in depth to deliver that answer.

As a devoted Directioner ever since they released their first single “What Makes You Beautiful” (I hardcore believed they were singing directly to me), I was devastated when Zayn left the band last year. But, I also realized that “the boys” were growing up and need to do what’s best for them. When I heard Zayn was releasing his own album, I couldn’t wait to get my hands on it. Trust me folks — it doesn’t disappoint.

Anyone who listens to the radio has already heard “PILLOWTALK.” The single, released in January 2016, has already risen to the top of the charts all over the world.

Expectedly, the album overall is not the typical sound we heard from boy-band-Zayn. This evidently means that I can no longer freak out while driving with my best friend and sing along to the borderline annoying pop tunes. Those good times and that era is over.

However, that doesn’t mean that the album has no value. The sound is calming, which is great for a sleep or study playlist. And most of the songs, especially “rEaR vIeW,” have a bit of a sad sound, which make for good rainy day listens.

There are a few upbeat songs that someone could listen to while jogging or getting ready to go out. “TiO,” which stands for “take it off,” is a more fast pace, fun and sexy song. In the track Zayn tells us, “take off all your makeup, baby, take it off.” Gladly Zayn, gladly.

For those that miss the boy-band sound, “LIKE I WOULD” is the closest song on the album that delivers the pop sound you’re used to. Zayn even delivers a similar message to some of the old songs, saying that the other guys won’t love the girl like he would.

What I found most interesting about the album was that it included an Intro and even an Intermission song. So if you listen to it consecutively, you will start with a 57-second intro called “MiNd Of MiNdd.” Following the intro is five songs, and then a one minute and 44 second song entitled “INTERMISSION: flower.” 11 songs follow the intermission to end the album.

Overall, I was happy to see Zayn’s personal touch in the album. I imagine it was hard to produce music that fit his exact taste while in the band, so I am happy to see him expressing it here and now.

Here are the Top 5 songs:

1. TiO
2. sHe
4. dRuNk
5. wRoNg

Just a disclaimer: the song titles aren’t typos, just Zayn expressing his artistic style with the use of caps lock. You do you, Zayn.