Unplug This Fall Break

Congratulations, Penn Staters! We’ve finally made it to Thanksgiving break and everyone at Valley is ecstatic. One full week without classes, tests or homework. It is the perfect time to unwind and unplug.

In light of Kendall Jenner’s brief break from Instagram, Valley is here to remind you to step away from your phone screen and your Twitter feed, and enjoy the long overdue time with your family and friends. Of course, there are Snapchat streaks that need to be maintained and best friends that need to stay in touch. However, going off the grid for a few hours a day this week could actually make your break all the more relaxing. Valley has come up with some ways to help you put the phone down and make some memories with your family!

Family Game Night

Instead of scanning television channels after dinner, play a board game with your family. Go into the basement and dust off that old game you used to love. Valley is sure your parents will appreciate the candid conversations with you. Valley loves the classics like Monopoly or Scrabble. But you can’t go wrong with a funny game of Cards Against Humanity or Headbands. If board games aren’t your family’s favorite then try a puzzle. A puzzle is great because you can leisurely add pieces as you please. AKA the fun can last all week long!

Autumn Hike

Winter is coming, but it hasn’t arrived *quite* yet. Wake your family up a little bit earlier than usual and go on a morning hike. If you are in Pennsylvania, check out these trails across the state. No parks or mountains nearby? Just take a stroll through your neighborhood. Either way, the crisp air will be refreshing and spending time outside is a great way to relax before the hustle bustle of the upcoming holiday season.

Mannequin Challenge

OK so this does involve some technology but we will let it slide. When your family is carving the turkey or about to scarf down dessert, tell everyone to freeze and take the video. This is a great way to get people of all ages involved and it would make a great home video. Check out Valley’s favorite mannequin challenges for some inspiration. And, don’t forget to tweet us your mannequin creation @ValleyMag!

Enjoy the sacred time with your family this week. Unplug and unwind to prepare for the final few weeks of the semester ahead. Valley wishes you a safe and memorable Thanksgiving break and hopes you can make some new traditions with your family this week.