Survival Guide to The End of Semester Blues
Summer is just around the corner, which means sunshine and smiles, but it also means going back to your hometown and missing State College. Living…
Read MoreSummer is just around the corner, which means sunshine and smiles, but it also means going back to your hometown and missing State College. Living…
Read More“I’ve always been taught that whether it is a high-end or a low-end job, you always have to try your best. The work ethic my parents taught us was to never take anything for granted and if you want something, you have to work for it and be independent.”
Read MoreHere is a list of everything Valley thinks you should do (or do again) in the next four weeks before you graduate
Read MoreJunior year comes and goes way too fast, and then everybody starts referring to you as something you never wanted to be: a senior.
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