Say Cheese: How to Spice Up Your Snacks With Cheese

There’s nothing worse than getting stuck in a boring snack routine. Are you tired of having a bagel with cream cheese or an apple with peanut butter? If you want to try some new twists on your favorite snacks, why not try cheese?  Spreadable cheese, like The Laughing Cow cheese, is delicious and incredibly versatile. There are so many different flavors and types of spreadable cheeses you can choose from to make snacking fun again. So, go ahead and snack! Valley’s suggestions for how to spice up some of your old favorites with cheese are delicious and flavorful.


Switch out a bagel with cream cheese for a bagel with spreadable cheese and bacon bits. Sounds interesting right? You’ll need one wedge of The Laughing Cow creamy white cheddar flavor cheese (or Valley‘s personal favorite, the garlic and herb flavor) to spread on your choice of bagel. Then fry up your choice of bacon and cut it up into little pieces to sprinkle on top of your bagel. This one is great at any time of the day and it could become your new obsession.

Apple & Peanut Butter

If you like dipping your apple slices in peanut butter, you will love dipping it in cheese. For this one, you can use whichever flavor you enjoy and pair it with apple slices. If you want an extra crunch, try adding some chia seeds or granola on top of your apple after you dip it in the cheese wedge.

Buttered Biscuit

Swap out butter on your biscuit for cheese for a healthier, more fulfilling option. Your bread and butter could very well turn into your bread and cheese! Try spreading the creamy light Swiss flavor for a healthy alternative to butter. If you want to try layering more flavors, you can add fresh strawberries on top of the biscuit, too.

Avocado Toast

Instead of avocado toast, try cheese toast. Yes, cheese toast may sound a little weird, but the pairings that you can make are endless. Try your favorite toast, your favorite cheese spread flavor and perhaps some peppers or fruit to put on top. You can snack on this anytime because of how easy it is to make.

These are just some of the twists you can make on your traditional snacks. Try your own creations and let us know how they turn out on Twitter @ValleyMag. Valley would love to see what you can come up with and it may become our new favorite snack as well!