Quirk-Out: How to Give Your Wardrobe a Pop of Personality

Mannino.QuirkyFasion3We all have a say in what we choose to put on in the morning, but most of us abuse one of our most sacred and principle rights we’re granted in this fine country – that’s right, we’re talking about life, liberty, and the pursuit of personal style.

With major stars like Katy Perry, Ke$ha, and Lady Gaga taking personal style to a level you might consider an act of public insanity, it’s hard to imagine ever venturing out of your fashion comfort-zone in the name of expressing yourself without your identity coming across as “Hot Mess.” But that’s where the art of mastering “quirk” comes in—letting your personality shine through in a creative yet subtle way that won’t put you at risk of being institutionalized. The task is daunting, but by owning your inner-weirdo with these easy tips, you can rock this season’s quirky styles your way.

Wear your heart on your sleeve

Kitty-cats and Starbucks, The Beatles and Bat Man, reading and dancing, and anything Mad Men, brown paper packages tied up in string – these are a few of your favorite things! Minus that paper packages bit at the end, all the interests that you feel define you as a unique individual?

They’re also available in wearable form. Working a chic vintage-washed t-shirt with your favorite band or funny saying on it goes a long way in adding some personality to a bland wardrobe. The key to mastering these looks is using quirk in moderation and placing it against a simpler background of jeans and a cardigan or a solid-hued skirt.

Accent your best features

As Kanye West always says, “It’s the littlest things in life that mean the most” (okay, so he’s never said that and never will – not even about his baby), and in the case of adding some quirky flare to your outfits, your accessories may seem inconsequential but can actually make or break your look.

Get a statement ring in the shape of your favorite animal or a bow with music notes on it if you’re a music lover. Scarves come in tons of fun patterns and these days you can even buy shoes with everything from the American flag to the Eiffel Tower depicted on them. Don’t forget that your finger nails are accessories in themselves just begging for a multi-colored manicure.

Find The One

Everyone has had an experience with a dress or jacket that was eerily similar to falling in love with some random guy sitting at a table next to us in the library; you feel like you share some kind of unspoken bond because he’s reading your favorite book (I can just picture our future children dressed like Daisy and Gatsby…), and when you spot a skirt printed with the skyline of your favorite city or a jacket you swear Carrie Bradshaw would wear, you can’t help but feel like it was meant to be. Invest in a piece of clothing that completes you, makes your heart sing, knows you better than you know yourself – you get the idea. Pick clothes with a story behind them – aka, your story.

You know you’re no ordinary girl, so why shouldn’t everyone else? Instead of buying another little black dress or plain white tee next time you’re out shopping, stop and think What Would Valley Do? Feel free to hashtag that (#WWVD – let’s get it trending, people!) next time you Instagram a picture of yourself getting your quirk on (successfully).

Model Emily is wearing: Dwellings bell skirt, cut away top, statement necklace, and menswear jacket.

Photo by Gabby Mannino 


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