Penn State Brothers Launch New App

Dan and Ryan Yosua, an almnus and student, respectively, of Penn State and founders of YosuaTreeGames have launched a new app called Speecher to help students with one of the horrors plaguing our generation — public speaking.

Ryan, current student of the Information Sciences and Technology College, came up with the idea of the app after taking the class every student is required to take — CAS 100. Sound familiar? Students commonly practice their speeches for the class with notecards, rehearsing in front of a mirror or in front of their friends. Ryan, who would rehearse for his speeches with notecards, a timer and a voice recorder, wanted to combine all of this into one app to make public speaking easier for students.

Public speaking is a valuable asset and one that every professional should have. It doesn’t matter if you’re going to be a teacher or a professional who sits behind a computer everyday. Chances are, you will have to give a speech or presentation at some point in your career and college is the perfect place to start practicing and perfecting your skill.

Through some research, the brothers discovered two things. The first is that many students do believe that mastering the art of public speaking is a valuable asset and can help open doors both academically and professionally. But, the second thing the brothers discovered is that many of the students that have this belief don’t have a motivation to improve their public speaking. Now, that doesn’t really make sense. This bizarre disconnect was the motivating factors for the Yosua brothers to create Speecher.

There are many cool aspects to this app. The app lets you condense your speech into both notecards and keywords so whichever you’re preference, they have either way to help you with speech memorization. In addition, the app has time tracking abilities, drag and drop notecard reordering, and a recording feature that lets you play your speech back to yourself — all in one app! While unappealing listening to yourself can be for some people, this feature can help you to see where your problem areas are in your speech.

A screenshot of Speecher

A screenshot of Speecher

To all current CAS 100 students and those who will take this class in the future, Speecher is the app to help you get through this class as smoothly and painlessly as possible.

Speecher is now available in both the App and Google Play Store for both IOS and Android devices.


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