Make an Impression with Stylish Business Cards

TeddyWalker.StylishBusinessCards1First impressions are everything― from landing a job or internship to impressing that cutie from your class. But how do you make a lasting impression with potential employers? Business cards can help you be memorable yet still professional.

Kristen Johnson is a member of the social media team for Vistaprint, an online company that produces everything from T-shirts to business cards. She said that business cards can reflect your personality but should be kept simple.

“Adding a personalized monogram to your business card is a simple and memorable way to brand yourself to clients and potential customers,” Johnson said.

If you do something bold like a monogram or a large design, try to keep it to one side of the business card to free up the other side for basic info. All fonts should be kept simple so the overall design isn’t too busy or distracting.

Johnson also said to think about how the colors and imagery will affect the overall look of the business cards. Those decisions can affect how potential employers and other people perceive you.

“Natural imagery, textures or colors can evoke a certain feeling of calm and nature,” Johnson said as an example. “These feelings will resonate with customers, and they will associate those feelings with your company.”

Business cards don’t have to have any design elements on them if you want a more classic and clean look. Images are good, but the last thing you want is to look like you made a business card using Microsoft 1998 clip art.

Johnson’s last tip is to cut down on the amount of info on the cards to free up space on the back of the card for other uses.

“Try limiting text on the back of your business card,” Johnson said. “A sparse back side can be used for quick notes to contacts and potential clients.”

Your business cards will be just as stylish and professional as you are, and you’ll surely stand out for all of the right reasons.

Photo by Teddy Walker

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