Looks like the Kimye-Taylor feud is back! Recently, Taylor Swift and Kanye West’s infamous phone call resurfaced, causing Swift fans to go wild.

To recap: the call, initially leaked by Kim Kardashian West in 2016, features Kanye West asking Swift for her permission to use a risky lyric in his song “Famous.” Taylor can be heard laughing the lyric off and thanking Kanye for calling and for asking for her permission before the song was released. However, Taylor was quick to jump in and say that the phone call was edited, illegally recorded and that not all of the lyrics that Kanye released were shared with her in advance.
Now in 2020, the call was re-leaked as a video, showing new evidence indicating that Taylor wasn’t too happy with what she heard. Unfortunately for her, when she tried to share her side of the narrative, fans were quick to support Kim and Kanye, leading Taylor to go on hiatus for a while.
During the week of March 23, Taylor Swift slyly broke her silence on the controversy while raising awareness for the coronavirus pandemic, writing on her Instagram story:
“Instead of answering those who are asking how I feel about the video footage that leaked, proving that I was telling the truth the whole time about *that call* (you know, the one that was illegally recorded, that somebody edited and manipulated in order to frame me and put me, my family, and fans through hell for 4 years)…SWIPE UP to see what really matters.”

This did not sit well with Kim Kardashian-West, who has been fighting her husband’s battles for the past four years. Shortly after, Kim went on a Twitter rant to say that Taylor Swift is selfish for starting this again in the middle of a pandemic. She also stressed that she did not edit the phone call. Kardashian-West claims that she simply posted a select snapchat clips at the time to get her point across.
“I didn’t feel the need to comment a few days ago, and I’m actually really embarrassed and mortified to be doing it right now,” says Kardashian-West, “But because she continues to speak on it, I feel I’m left without a choice but to respond because she is actually lying.”
Kim’s rant didn’t stop there. She continued to explain that the only issue she ever had with Taylor was when she said that Kanye never called to ask for permission.
“To be clear, the only issue I ever had around the situation was that Taylor lied through her publicist, who stated that ‘Kanye never called to ask for permission’….They clearly spoke so I let you all see that. Nobody ever denied the word ‘b*tch’ was used without her permission. At the time when they spoke, the song had not been fully written yet, but as everyone can see in the video, she manipulated the truth of their actual conversation in her statement when her team said she ‘declined and cautioned him about releasing a song with such a strong misogynistic message.’ The lie was never about the word ‘b*tch,’ it was always whether there was a call or not and the tone of the conversation.”

In 2016, the world was siding with West; yet today, the tables seem to be turning in favor of Swift. Just remember, there’s three sides to this story: Taylor’s, Kanye’s and the truth.