Involvement Scare: It’s not too late to get involved at Penn State

Starting at a university as large as Penn State can be very overwhelming. If you’re a freshman, you’re probably looking for ways to make a big school feel smaller during these first few weeks. Joining clubs and organizations on campus is often the perfect way to do this, but it can be difficult to manage during the first few weeks at a new school. Valley is here to help you sort through the stress of finding your place in Happy Valley. Here are a few ways you can still get involved here at Penn State.

Join a THON organization/committee

THON, the Penn State IFC/Panhellenic Dance Marathon, is an annual fundraiser held at Penn State to raise money for children battling pediatric cancer. At Penn State, there are over 350 student organizations committed to raising money for this cause. Not to mention the 11 committees dedicated to making THON run smoothly and raise funds for the cause.

THON gives students the opportunity to make friends and become a part of a smaller group, while also making a difference. Committee applications become available this week, so it’s not too late to get involved!

Look into organizations within your college

There are countless clubs and organizations on campus tailored to specific majors. The nice thing about them is that they provide students with opportunities to get to know other people in their college. By joining a club that is tailored specifically to your major, you’re able to build relationships with students in most of your classes while also gaining important professional experience. Most of these organizations can be found on your college website, and will accept new members at any time of year.

Just ask!

It’s no secret that Penn State’s involvement fair at the beginning of the semester can get pretty crowded. This makes it difficult for some freshman who are looking to get involved, find what they are looking for.

“It was so crowded, I could hardly see what each table was advertising,” David Bowdler, a freshman studying business, said about the fair. “I ended up leaving pretty quickly because it was so overwhelming.”

If the involvement fair is too much, it’s not the only way to find out how to get involved. Lots of clubs and organizations are willing to take new members at any time during the year, all you have to do is ask! By directly contacting clubs and organizations, you are making much more of an impression than you would by signing your name at the involvement fair.

Don’t worry, if you are still looking for a way to make this big school a little smaller, it’s not too late. Take a look at some of these tips and take a breath, you’ll find your place here at Penn State!