How to Turn Your Travel Abroad Dreams Into a Reality

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For some, traveling abroad is a college memory that will stay with them forever. When COVID-19 hit the world was put on hold. Traveling was only for people who had to and the risk of getting sick was high. Travel abroad programs were hit hard and the same goes for students’ opportunities to see their academics from a different country and perspective. Now with vaccinations and countries opening back up, abroad programs are back into action. If you are looking to finally explore the world, keep reading!

Photo provided by Lucy Kozan
Starting Point

Fortunately, Penn State offers many travel abroad programs no matter what your major is. The study abroad website offers many resources and ways to contact the Education Abroad Office. The site will go over the costs as well as the small pieces of information that you might be curious about similar to room and board. The university also offers a week which goes over the easiest way to find the perfect fit for you and also explains how you can get in touch with an advisor so you are not alone throughout the process.

Along with the travel abroad website, Penn State sends out emails to keep students in touch with the recent news and programs that are happening in the future. For example, the Bellisario College of Communications sent out an email regarding the chance to travel with Czech Mates during the Spring season. As more countries open up and restrictions start to lower, there will be more opportunities so be sure to check your email!

Photo provided by Lucy Kozan
Programs Offered

Students and staff are fortunate enough to have a variety of options to choose from when looking to study abroad. Global Penn State lists the different programs that are offered as well as where they would take place. As of now, the dates are still pending with countries still restricting travelers from visiting but as the year goes on they will be updated.

Usually when looking to pick what program you want to apply for, it should fall under your specified major. Study abroad programs will usually require certain classes to have been taken prior to the trip. If you are looking to search for a specific program or one that is intended for your major, you can use Penn State’s Simple Search as a way to find what is best for you. There are many options on the Global website that make the process easy to find your fit.

Traveling can offer an experience and perspective that will change the way you see the world. If you have the opportunity to study abroad or travel with the Penn State community, tweet us @VALLEYmag to show us where you went!



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