How to Ball on a Budget With BREAK

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Saving money is on everyone’s agenda, isn’t it? One company has made it almost too easy. Everyone is raving about the new fad to get all the bang for your buck here in State College, and VALLEY has the scoop on it.

BREAK is a discount leisure card designed to help promote local businesses while simultaneously providing all members with exclusive discounts. Whether you are looking for great food, the best apparel or tutoring, BREAK has you covered. With this product, everyone wins—students save money and business attract more customers.

It gets even better: you can raise money while you save it, because BREAK is a proud supporter of Penn State’s THON and will be making a generous donation of sales profited toward the cause. BREAK offers a great opportunity for campus organizations to get involved with BREAK’s THON competition that awards a percentage of sales back to the organization of their choice.

So, how exactly does this work? All you need to do is purchase a premium metal card at This contains exclusivity at multiple stores around the area and allows you to unlock deals via the Snapchat geofilter on the back. With one touch of the geofilter through Snapchat, the members are able to access all the deals through the website. BREAK has you covered for all your favorite places: Yallah, Baby’s and the Corner Room to name a few.

Created by Ari Sobel in 2017, this company incorporates grassroots marketing and problem solving. Sobel, a recent Penn State graduate, has a full understanding of the concerns both local businesses and students face. He believes businesses want student outreach and cutting-edge marketing while students primarily want to save money. By combining the two, you get BREAK.  

The name BREAK came about from the expression “Break for it” often referred to as an individual’s goal or aim.  Everyone wants to catch their BREAK and take a BREAK, which is where #whatdoyoubreakfor originated from. The BREAK founders, Ari Sobel, Justine Fern, and Alex Myers, have been dedicating their time toward creating a product that will benefit users and providers. With a continuously growing team, BREAK intends to push through the glass ceiling and turn this start-up company into a lifestyle brand.

Despite just recently emerging in the State College scene, BREAK is already making a dynamic impact. Become a BREAK member and see all the deals available at and follow along @breakpsu for special offers.

This post is sponsored by BREAK.