Fearing the F-Word: Feminism

When you think about the word “feminism,” what’s the first thing that comes to mind? Is it bra-burning? Man-hating? Or even, radical? For some reason, this is feminism to a lot of people and that idea has to change. We get it, saying you’re a feminist might make your date look at you weird or appall your mother, who may only know the feminism of the 60s. But that’s just not what it is anymore. There is a new wave of feminism brewing in our country and it’s time for our generation of women to get on board with it.

Emphasis on Equality

It’s no secret that there is a wage gap between the sexes and that’s an obvious topic among feminists, but the movement is about more things that many neglect to talk about. A simple Twitter search of “I need feminism because” leads to a whole slew of tweets that say things like: I need feminism because my mother prays I marry a successful man, rather than pray I become successful, or I need feminism because I’ve never heard a dumb blonde joke about a blonde haired man. Feminism is simply about equality. Financial, sexual and societal.

The relevance to us college aged females is exceptionally high. Let’s face it, every weekend when we’re getting ready to go to a frat or an apartment party, we have a buddy system. We watch each other’s drinks, go with each other to the bathroom and text each other the address of whoever we’re leaving with. This is our reality — a no-girl-left-behind way of approaching a party because the sad truth is that rape is prevalent on college campuses. With a one in four chance of sexual abuse before graduation, it’s no wonder that more and more college aged women are defining themselves as feminists. Is it too much to ask to wear that super cute crop top you just bought without being heckled at on your walk home like a piece of meat? No, it’s not. That’s why modern feminism is important.

The Point

Setting the partial rant aside, opening up to new ideas of equality does more positive than negative. There’s nothing more empowering than believing in yourself and your gender.

Sophomore and feminist Ophelia Castellitto explains feminism perfectly. “It’s about equal opportunity for everyone,” she says, “and making sure everyone is treated equally as equal human beings.”

What’s the harm in believing that even though you were born with a pair of ovaries, you’re still an equal to those who weren’t? We don’t think the power to give the gift of life is something that should hinder us in society.

And boys, if you’re reading this, just know that you can (and should) be feminists too. There’s nothing more attractive than a guy who’s masculinity isn’t threatened by the empowerment and equality of women.