A Penn State Football tailgate would not be a real tailgate without the games. There are the classics such as dizzy bat and stump. Let’s be honest though — no tailgate is complete without a game of corn hole. but to buy a set of a corn hole game can get very expensive. Have no fear, Valley is here to teach you how to make your very own corn hole game.
For this project, you will need two 2 by 4 pieces of plywood for the playing boards, eight 24 by 48 inch pieces of plywood to frame the board, two 11.5 inch pieces of plywood for the legs, some paint to make your boards Penn State blue and of course two big Penn State stickers of your choosing.
For tools to assemble the board, you will need a jigsaw to cut the wood pieces to the right size, wing nuts, washer and bolts to attach the legs, an electric screwdriver and 2.5 inch wood screws.
The first step is to assemble the board. After you have made sure that all of your wood is cut to the right sizes, assemble the frame around the board with the screwdriver and screws. The 24 by 48 inch pieces of plywood will make a frame around the game board for sturdiness and support.
Of course, your corn hole game needs a hole. Measure 9 inches from the top and 12 inches from either side of the board. Draw a circle 6 inches in diameter and cut along your drawing with the jigsaw. If needed, clean the hole up with some sandpaper.
Next are the legs: Using the jigsaw, round one edge of your plywood. The round edge will allow the legs to swing to a standing position when you are playing, but a tucked position when transporting. Using an extra screw, make a hole where your bolt will go in the plywood for the leg and for the frame. Next, slide the bolt through the holes and attach the nut and washer into place.
The last step is to paint and add your Penn State flair. You can get creative with this step, but we recommend coating the wood in primer, painting it Penn State blue, and finishing it off with polyurethane in order to protect against the elements. After your boards are dry, slap on your Penn State stickers and get to tossing!
After all that hard work, do yourself a favor and buy some Penn State themed bean bags off of Amazon, or search on Pinterest to learn how to make them- your choice.
This activity is a fun way to show your Penn State pride. The game makes a great gift, or use it as a way to boast about how handy you are with all these tools. When you are finished with your game board, you will have the best corn hole around and will trump all other surrounding tailgates.