Halloween is finally around the corner, which means it’s time to start thinking about costumes. Yes, costumes, as in plural, because as we all know, Happy Valley celebrates all weekend long, and costume-repeats are a no-no.
There are some awesome stores downtown that offer a variety of selections, but just in case you’re running low on money, or you just want to be sure no one has your costume, you can always make your own.
Bring a little humor into your life by dressing up as a taco. Simply fold tan felt around you for the taco shell and stick some multicolor felt pieces around the edges. Shred some green felt for lettuce and cut up some red and yellow felt for peppers. Don’t forget to wear brown leggings and a shirt for the meat and you’re good to go.
Some of the best Halloween costumes are inspired by major events that are currently happening, and no one is more current or popular than Ms. Miley Cyrus. Want to recreate the queen of twerk’s VMA performance? Then grab a bodysuit and start designing. You can use felt and cut out teddy bears to stick on. Make sure you’re wearing sneakers, pigtails and a red-lip as well. To complete the look, buy yourself a replica of the notorious foam finger. Can’t find one? Then simply redecorate a white foam finger to look like Miley’s. Whatever you do, leave the nude latex bra and underwear set at home and stick to the more “conservative” VMA outfit.
If all else fails, you can always be a cat. This is probably the most simple and inexpensive costume. Wear black head-to-toe and buy a cat set at the nearest costume store. This set usually includes a tail, ears and a bowtie. Add a black nose and whiskers and you’re all set. Believe it or not, you’ll probably see more cats out on the prowl during Halloween weekend than you would think.
Photo by Ashley Zucker
RT @ValleyMag: When it comes to Halloween costumes, the best are always DIY. Here’s some of our favorite homemade ideas http://t.co/QLosuPg…